I was browsing some of the other blogs and came across one called Verbivore, which had a "Word of the Day" section with the word "opsimath" listed and the definition "one who begins learning late in life". I loved it! Naturally, being of a warped mind, I immediately saw its relevance to me. Of course! I was always a Late Bloomer, but now I have a SCIENTIFIC term for it. How wonderful. Now I can converse with my shrink and casually drop these little bon mots when describing my struggles with daily life. Only in my case, I feel the word should be modified somewhat, as I not only learn "late in life" but not very gracefully, either. So, I propose "oopsimath", meaning someone who is not only a late bloomer but a KLUTZ as well. (For you who may not know this wonderful Yiddish word, it simply means "one who is not well-coordinated") And just think of all the possibilites! Why, the list is endless. Take "woopsimath", for instance---which could describe Dubya's penchant for imperialism. Or "swoopsimath", for John Kerry's handling of the Swiftboat controversy. Or how about "snoopsimath", for journalists in general? I think I'm onto something here! Must call Merriam-Webster immediately, as they'll undoubtably want to include these new terms in the next edition of their dictionary!
Okay, okay, so I'm not that funny. See what you come up with and get back to me.