Yes, I was conned. First, a woman with a heavy accent lead me to believe it was my bank, then I was transferred to a man who did not tell me he was working for this company. In short, what they "recorded for quality purposes" was NOT what I had agreed to. What they played back was a tape which made it appear that I had agreed to certain fees. NOTE: none of this was in writing! I feel like an idiot, because I gave personal information, and of course the man said it was all perfectly legal.
Nevertheless, I'm going to my state Attorney General to see what the laws are. That $800 fee was not explained to me as on the tape! I believe they deliberately left out, or failed to record, ALL that they told me. That tape recording is nothing but fraud, but it MAY be legal. I hope not. Do not accept their phone calls! Just hang up. I wish I had.