Wouldn't it be nice to have Bush chastized by a "Higher Authority"? Too bad God doesn't get involved anymore, or maybe he just decided to retire---to another universe! Frankly, if I were God I'd be more than a little ticked off by this Administration's glib insistance that they have his blessing in all things. Then again, he ought to let these smug Republicans know just how he feels, don't you think? With many Evangelicals feeling rather used at the moment, it's disheartening to realize they'll probably vote Republican anyway.
Of course, if you've been reading the news lately it appears no matter how you vote the Republicans will win, even without Kerry's stupid "jokes". Those electronic voting machines can, in some cases, be hacked merely by pushing or pulling on one of the buttons, I've read. No computer knowledge required! Or, as some of the conspiracy nuts are suggesting, the machines have already been pre-programed to flip Democratic choices over to the GOP. In fact, one website I've read actually says why even bother going to vote, since the machines have been rigged!
Well, I say go vote no matter what. Bring whatever photo IDs you need and line up as soon as the polls open, if only to intimidate the terrori---I mean---"Bush Babies" smirking all over the Fox Channel as I speak. Sure, maybe the election has been stolen already, but why make it any easier for the bastards?