Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Sally Starr---For All You Popeye Theater Fans

Sally Starr, originally uploaded by Reva49.

Well, I've started to blog my novel, but it's going to take a LOT longer than the month this NanoWrimo thing lasts to type the whole damn thing, unfortunately. Sigh. Sorry, I'm a lousy typist, and although I use all ten fingers I still plod along at about 20 words a minute, barring typos and other mistakes. And do I make mistakes! Let's just say my Personal Typing teacher back at PHS was only thrilled to get rid of me---even if she had to FORGE a passing grade for me to do it. So be patient, it's coming. Figure I'll be finished some time next year, if I'm lucky. Anyhow, I STILL haven't figured out how to format the damn blog RIGHT so far. Don't be surprised if you see chapters that look like one long sheet off a roll---like toilet paper(clean, of course). Hey, just be glad YOU weren't one of my teachers. Happy blogging.