Whatever the reason for the attack, whether for protection or terror, Israel has put itself in a most ridiculous position. It should have waited until the ships were in Israeli waters, and should have realized how stupid they would look. Perhaps the ships were carrying weapons, but now we'll never know for sure. Perhaps the activists were armed with guns, and perhaps the ships have ties to terrorist organizations, nevertheless, Israel looks like a terror organization. And the fact that they were armed with----get this----paintball guns makes them look like idiots.
Surely there must have been a better way than this. At least Israel should have filmed their side of the story with a bit more finesse. Instead, the Israeli video looks like a bar room brawl, and it's hard to tell who's who. You would think that, by now, Israel would understand how to do believable propaganda. Truth just doesn't work anymore, and lies have to be plausible.
There were pops going off in the background as the newsmen on the ship reported the incident, but it sounded more like fire-crackers to me. And one of the injured activists looked as if ketchup had been poured on his life-preserver, while the others didn't appear to have any injuries at all. There was a lot of bad acting on the part of the injured, especially when the cameras turned their way, and the video didn't show any of them getting shot. Still, no one's going to believe the Israeli version because Israel's video is so blurred and badly lit.
Sadly, Israel never learns. It slams in like the proverbial Bull-In-A-China-Shop, and expects everyone to know that they are the Good Guys, but the world needs better video, better production values, better acting to believe Israel. Israelis are so blunt about everything that they alienate everybody. Now they've made themselves "killer clowns". Who's going to ever believe them again?