Except for the handful of courageous Rebublicans (forget the Democrats, folks. This is pure politics for them, I hate to say it) protesting bitterly against this treason and vowing to stop it, the rest of Capitol Hill is already licking their chops over the mess of pottage to be gained from the deal. Billions. Yes, that sure is a "mess of pottage", all right. After squandering our taxpayer dollars on pork-barrel legislation and cuts for the rich, after stealing the huge surplus that Clinton left us for God-knows-what, after selling most of our industries to foreign buyers, and after allowing the banks to run up trillions of dollars in bad loans, they figure they can just sell us all if they have to. Anything for money, y'know. That's what "free markets" are all about.
It doesn't bother them a bit that their hands are stained all the way up to the elbows in the blood of the 9/11 victims. Who are we? To them, we're all capital they can liquidate as needed. As long as they and theirs get the loot, Dubya can be a dictator for all they care. They own us, folks---at least, that's what they think.
Why, just listen to Rush bloviating over the nerve of those who disagree with Fearless Leader. How stupid, he says, to throw away the chance to make a profit. After all, it's not like Dubai will own all of America, just six measely little ports. What's New York, Philadelphia, Miami, etc. when we can cash in like this?! Six major ports, that's all. We must be nuts, he thinks. We must be stupid, he implies underhandedly, to doubt the wisdom of God's Annointed. I'm sure he agrees that the Patriot Act should be forever, since "We, the People" can't be trusted to know what's good for us.
Well, I've had it. If we don't impeach this son-of-a-bitch (and make no mistake, Barbara Bush is a bitch), we'll have only ourselves to blame when the Constitution is flushed down the White House toilet. Come the next 9/11 (conveniently right before the national elections, perhaps?), Dubya will think he's God Almighty (if he doesn't already, that is), and it'll be the final nail in democracy's coffin, kinenahora. Yes "kinenahora", because I pray I'm wrong about the demise of America. Nevertheless, if this under-the-table deal isn't "high crimes and misdemeanors", it damn well should be. Depose "King George IV" now, before the fucker crowns himself.