Sunday, December 25, 2005

Thank God She Had A Good Sense Of Humor

Mrs.D, originally uploaded by Reva49.

Once upon a time, back in 1966, I was a terribly awkward (physically and socially) senior in high school who positively worshipped a 22yr-old neophyte teacher who carried herself like a queen and had more brains than anyone I ever knew. Being your typical sheltered Catholic girl, I inadvertantly insulted her with a holiday card I'd whipped together in Art Class later that day.
It had to have been the worst card ever made! I painted the double blue bars and gold star of the Isreali flag on the front flap, and inside I scrawled a hasty verse that went like this:

"Christmas is for everyone
Not just a chosen few
And even though you're Jewish
With Chanukah all done
Have a Merry Christmas anyway
*Feliz Navidad to You!
*means Merry Christmas in Spanish"

Was that an insult or what? Fortunately, she thought it was funny. Me, I thought it would cheer her up. Yeah, right---like a note from the IRS, maybe. At any rate, I meant well, and she realized that. Here's hoping all of you have a Merry Xmas, Happy Chanukah, and a good Kwanzaa!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Maybe God Should Seek US

Chillin', originally uploaded by Reva49.

Well, why not? Are you tired of knocking on heaven's gate and being ignored? Are you fed up with praying, only to be put on hold (and no Muzak to listen to while you wait, too)? So let Him find you. After all, if Santa knows where you live surely God does. Besides, who has time in this hectic world to look for God? He doesn't hold down three jobs, and since everything's created He's been more or less semi-retired. He's got all the time in the universe---literally! So why can't He look us up? It's not like I have an unlisted number, you know. I mean, think about it. He's God, right? Nothing's impossible for God (unless He's been hanging out way too long with George Bush), so why not get in touch? Okay, I'd probably crap my pants if He did, but it would be nice to know He still cares. Wouldn't it?

Friday, December 16, 2005

Laptop Gets Even---Tis the Season, pt.2

Boy, talk about being touchy. My laptop must be paranoid----or else controlled by some gnome in National Security. It denied me access again, so I had to wipe the harddrive and start all over again. Luckily, however, I had made backups of all my important files, but this is getting to be annoying. Maybe Bill Gates is so scared of "software piracy" he designed Windows to do this? Who knows?
Now, on to my next topic---that time of year again and the so-called "War On Xmas". Get over it, people! I mean, don't we have enough trouble with this War On Terror, we have to add to it? Isn't this season plenty nerve-wracking on its own? Let's just stop for a minute and think. Just because I, as a Jew, wishes a Christian "happy holidays" doesn't mean I'm against Xmas. And, by the way, Xmas is a perfectly proper form of the word, having come from the Greek in which the letter X means christos, the original from whence we derived ours. No, it's not x-ing out the Christian messiah. I got enough of that when I wrote "Merry XMAS" on the board during student teaching and the class nearly crucified me! For those of us who don't celebrate Christian holidays (including atheists as well), there's nothing "hateful" about expressing a wish that all our December holidays (Xmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, etc.) be merry. After all, it's not just my holiday, or your holiday, but a time to be cognizant of the blessings of freedom---which includes the freedom not to believe as well.
Sure, there are militant atheists out there who bring these assinine suits against creches on private property and such, but they represent the lunatic fringe. They're basically "lone wolves", really, who have extremely little influence in society at-large, so they do stupid things to get attention. There is no "war" on religion, people. Let's just chuck all this political correctness and enjoy our holidays, okay?

Friday, November 25, 2005

My Laptop Must Be Treif

No, I'm joking, but I've had nothing but trouble with this thing. One thing you can count on is Windows going haywire, and mine denied ME access! Maybe Al Quaida is making laptops now? The news in cyberworld isn't good, folks. Regardless of whom it might be, hackers are on the move, and the new worry now is----rootkits. Worse, you don't have to be a computer expert to write these things, as the code is open source! Worse yet, you'll probably never know you have one. Rootkits hide themselves so deep in your harddrive that even the BEST malware-removers can't detect them. Think Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, only in cyber terms. Isn't it wonderful what technology can do? Oh, and Microsoft says the only thing you can do to your harddrive once you're infected is to nuke it. I hope they don't mean put the thing in the microwave. At any rate, rootkits are so easy to write that an idiot like me could end up writing code that trashes your machine. Luckily, however, I have no intentions that way. With MY luck I'd end up trashing my OWN computer! Of course, Microsoft advises that rootkits aren't inherently evil----just misunderstood. Yeah, like the Officer Krupke song, I suppose. Well, rootkits are a great way to cloak something you don't want someone else seeing; seems students at college use them for hiding the illicit movies they download over the college server, and have been for years! Microsoft thinks that's an example of harmless rootkitting. Uh huh, and I'm sure those studentsould aren't downloading Disney movies, either.
Getting back to my original thesis, my laptop could be infected, the way it acts. More likely, though, is my wild editing of Group Policy. Most of my expertise has come from hands-on training, so to speak. I could probably tell Microsoft something they didn't know, but as soon as they learned it's some old broad who used to teach English---well, I can hear the laughter now. I figure it's only a matter of time before the world blames rootkits on the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion, as they have everything else thus far. At any rate, be well. Gam ze ye'avor, this too shall pass.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

As The Caissons Keep Rolling Along...

I don't think this is what the composer of the old Army song meant, but it's our current reality, and getting longer by the second. Do I support this stupid war? What do YOU think? Frankly, I STILL say Dubya ought to be impeached---for this and other "high crimes and misdemeanors". Sorry if I sound like I'm ranting, but what happened to "Mission Accomplished"?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


This is the pill I NEED, after downloading the new free Opera browser yesterday. Sure, Opera looks great, with all those skins and layouts to customize, except I can't GO anywhere, for some reason. I type in an url, and nothing happens! Or the website has a problem with Opera's security configuration---or this stupid cartoon MONKEY pops up to tell me the mods "don't like" certain keystrokes, etc. I think I'll just stick with my Firefox. I know Darwin's right and all that, but I still hate to be lectured by a monkey.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


The one standing on the far left is Leah, next is her husband, and her son. Seated are her mother, left, and father. Leah's put her photos online, but for some reason the url doesn't work for me. I'll have to copy it down and manually insert it into my browser. Boy, are we getting lazy or what? You can click on the image to get a better view, as I had to reduce it or it would have taken forever to load.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

My Old School Chum

I'm pleased to present Leah, one of my old friends from Pennsauken, whom I haven't seen in 30 years. Looks pretty good for an old broad of 56---better than I do, in fact. I'm hoping to get down to where she lives, but with the current price of gas....
She hasn't changed a bit, looks like. I cropped this from a larger photo showing the whole family, which I'll post shortly. Her parents emigrated to Isreal after retirement, and she hadn't seen THEM for about sixteen years or so, what with raising a family and airfares, so I'm glad she finally got over there. Her family was very good to me, almost like my OTHER family, in a way. I hadn't seen them since we moved in 1971, and it's a bit of a shock to see them as old. It's funny, but you never actually think of people you know as aging, even when you KNOW they must have. I still remember them as they were then. Of course, the changes are mainly exterior, because under the skin (be it ever so wrinkled) we still ARE the same as we were then.
To Leah and her family---biz ah hundert und tvanzig! Amen, selah!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Yeah, I know I haven't posted in a long time. It's called procrastination, which I have honed to a fine art over the years. I figure the more I put things off, the longer I'll live. Sounds crazy, but it just might work. A Lubavitcher rabbi once explained that we all have a mission in life, and once we fulfill it, we die. He wasn't very happy when I opined (in my sensible way) that we should find out what our mission is, then stall so as to live forever! Hey, God's eternal, right? So why should HE care how long we take to do our job? Anyhow, only the good die young----as they say. Being already 56, I'm obviously past all hope of being good. Not that I'm EVIL, mind you, but I have my faults. Ask my mother-in-law; she LOVES ennumerating them. At any rate, if I live long enough, I'll probably evolve into froggy, here. Well, I always WAS bass-ackward. Why change now?

Friday, June 10, 2005

The Procrastinatress Gets A Round Tuit

So, I finally got back to posting! Bet you thought I never would. Actually, I was beginning to wonder myself. But life goes on, even if it seems to bypass me. As they say----!@#$ happens. Like today, for example. Just when you think it's going to be another boring day, Murphy's Law intervenes. I get up early, go downstairs, check on the guinea pig and the gecko, and somehow end up tipping over one of those glass Galilleo thermometers---which breaks and spills God-knows-what toxic liquid in the gecko's tank (fortunately, the gecko knows what a klutz I am and got out of the way in time), and thus I am forced to chuck the tank and buy a new one, because geckos can live to be 30 yrs old. Did you know that? Neither did I, until the petstore told me. Now, since I BOUGHT the gecko there some 10 yrs ago, you'd have thought they would have told me THEN. Are you kidding?!! So, of course I now have to shell out about $200 for a whole new habitat for a critter who's likely to outlive ME. Oh well...
Then there's the guinea pig, who enjoys urinating on my son, and you'd be AMAZED at how much urine that little !@#@$ can leak. Anyway, since his cage is right next to el gecko's I can't be sure it hasn't splashed in there as well, so he has to be bathed (ever try bathing a cat? My cavy HATES water) in the tub and his cage cleaned. I swear, for a little fella he sure seems to give me the Augean Stables every time. This is no small cage, either. It's about as big as a bathtub (again, the petstore said he'd NEED it for exercise, but he doesn't, and he never puts on a POUND, dammit). So today, of course, had to be the hottest day of the year thus far, and tomorrow I have a craft fair. I'm pooped. At least the animals are happy...

Friday, April 15, 2005

Somebody ELSE Wants To Be ME?

Weird. We apply for a line of credit and get a report which states we owe $600 to AT&T Wireless that was sent to a collection agency for non-payment---except we never HAD AT&T and never got any notice of any overdue bill. Naturally, being concerned about our credit worthiness, we checked with the collection company, and the Social Security number was MINE. Problem was, the person to whom this number supposedly belonged was not ME, but someone living in New Jersey whom I had never met. More interestingly, she'd been using my number since Y2K! If we hadn't applied, we'd never have known.
WARNING! Never assume you are so unpopular, unloved, unwanted that SOMEbody won't "need" you. After all, who in their right mind would WANT to be me? Obviously this is someone who is ignorant of the dangers of posing as a nerd. Still, it's a nice "boost" for MY ego, knowing I'm not totally useless. I'd really like to meet this person and thank her personally. Of course, I'm afraid the POLICE would frown on this, as using someone else's S.S. number just happens to be ILLEGAL. Then again, this person just might be an "illegal" herself. How ELSE can a poor, misunderstood, undocumented alien get a driver's license, etc. here? Being a registered Democrat, I'm sure she'd be an asset to WHATEVER party she joined---as long as it was Republican. But now that she's been exposed, she'll need a NEW Social Security number, unfortunately. Maybe you'd better ask for YOUR credit report, just in case.

Thursday, March 31, 2005


Yes, we've all heard of whatsername, who supposedly wants to die but can't tell anybody, etc. And I really didn't want to bore you with my innane musings, but as every OTHER idiot seems to be bloviating on this mess, why should I refrain from adding my OWN idiocy? So, it started off with the not-quite-dearly-departed's hubby claiming the right to pull her plug. Okay, I can see that. After all, as Jerry Foulwell has kindly pointed out, he's currently (gasp!) LIVING IN SIN with another woman, so I guess it would be somewhat of an inconvenience to have his first wife hanging around. And I understand that he'd gotten a big windfall from suing the doctors after his wife became a veggie, so her parents, understandably enough, wanted a piece of the pie. He said no, so they said (I'm guessing here, but it might be plausible) that he'd be sorry. So you've got a tug of war over a veggie. Now, mind you, Terri MIGHT just pop out of this state, unlike the veggies you buy at the grocery, because God could decide to do a miracle. Then again, we could be invaded by Martians tomorrow, too.
At any rate, the doctors are very helpful; they pull any tube you want and put it back again---as long as they're paid for it. How nice. I think Dr. Kevorkian should pay THEM a visit. However, you can't really blame the poor doctors, since they're probably just as brain-dead as Terri but can still move around. God forbid any of US should get doctors like these. No, the REAL stupids are the politicians, I'm afraid. But what can you expect? Hey, they've gotta keep a finger up to see which way the wind's blowing, right? And they just CAN'T pass up a winner like THIS case. Except it seems that over 60% of Americans are blowing the OTHER way.
So, if I've got this right, the Republicans feel that allowing Terri to die is wrong, but it would be okay to kill her if she was a criminal. Well, gee, there must have been SOMETHING she did that was criminal by Republican standards. I mean, maybe she supported abortion, or voted for Liberals, or even opposed the war in Iraq. And she COULD have at least thrown a fit about her husband carrying on with another woman. About the only ones showing any SENSE here are the Democrats and the Federal Courts! Of course, the Republicans scream THAT'S because the courts are obviously controlled by Satan, and Democrats are devils ANYHOW. Isn't it comforting, knowing Big Brother cares for a poor veggie (especially when it's such a great campaign issue)? Why, she might snap out of it and vote Republican. Of course, as her husband is LIVING IN SIN, they claim he's no longer her husband, somehow. So why don't they charge him with bigamy, then? Well, it seems they kinda can't, since he didn't actually MARRY the other woman. We all know none of these fine, upstanding, Godly Republicans would do something SINFUL---at least not publically. I'm sure none of our PRESIDENTS have ever LIVED IN SIN, except for Grover Cleveland, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Clinton...
All I know is, I'm making one of those wills. I'm going to specify that if I look and act like a veggie, then put me in a pot of hot water and make soup. I'm fat enough it should feed about half the world, I figure. Hey, if the Donner Party could do it, what the hell. Soylent Green, anyone?

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I'm Back!

I was in Florida last week, visiting the in-laws and doing shopping for my jewelry business. And I'm glad to be home, believe me. Florida is NOT paradise! It's crowded, noisey, and just plain crazy. Hardly any trees, except for those !@#$% palms all over. Everything is paved. Traffic is non-stop. You can't see any stars. Need I go on? Well, I should admit that the weather was pretty nice, but that was about the ONLY nice thing. Elderly in-laws are not for rooming with, period! We lasted the week, but my mother-in-law chases dirt like it's a sentient creature capable of propagating itself if not thoroughly destroyed. One speck of dust, and the whole apartment has to be cleaned! My father-in-law, of course, is a traditional male-chauvinist; women wait on menfolk hand and foot, he believes, so I must slave while my hubby and son sit and enjoy. Ha! I refused. WELL! I'm sure he hates my guts now, but I don't CARE. All in all, it wasn't too bad. Thank God both of them are going deaf! Unfortunately, the yelling back and forth is considered normal in Florida, where everyone over 70 seems to be deaf. Worst drivers I ever saw. Lots of sidewalks, but who wants to be a target? Nobody follows the traffic rules, and everybody believes they have the right of way. You NEED an SUV in Florida, just to survive should any idiot decide to prove that theory about "irressistible forces being able to pass right through immovable objects" ("Somethin's gotta give, somethin's gotta give...", with apologies to Steve Allen).
And so, having survived Florida, I'm happily bored back home in NH, where we await yet another blizzard. Ah, Spring!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

It's Me Again...

Fran1, originally uploaded by Reva49.

Me,at 56. Yes (sigh), I'm showing my age. What a bummer. I never smoked, never drank much at all (having just enough American Indian in me to fall asleep after one SIP), and STILL I end up looking like a well-scrubbed bag-lady. Well, I never WAS much to look at, so at least I haven't LOST anything there. No, I don't color my hair---yet. There's more gray every week, it seems, but nothing major so far. Haven't developed arthritis, or diabetes (athough I'm so absent-minded I have to wonder about Alzheimer's, which a neighbor of mine once mispronounced as "old-timer's"), and my blood pressure's still good, even though my cholesterol tends to act up now and then. If ever industry needs a major manufacturer of cholesterol, I'd be happy to oblige, as I have more than I need and can spare a TON. That goes for FAT as well. Need a "spare tire", anyone? Used to be that the fat people were rich and the poor were skinny, but times change, I guess. I'll NEVER be fashionable, it seems. Now if only some famous celebrity would say "You can never be too ZOFTIG." Where is Kate Smith, now that I really need her? Or Gertrude Berg? Or Sophie Tucker? What happened to those wonderful commercials for "full-figured" women? And why the hell does AARP Magazine put anorexic actresses on their cover? An aging boomer "Barbie Doll" I'm not! Besides, I couldn't AFFORD to replace my wardrobe (athough I probably COULD have TWO outfits made from every one I have now). Then again, who wants two of the same outfit? C'mon, you "giant economy size" boomers, stop feeling like such failures! It took a helluva lotta WORK to get our bodies so sleek and virtually wrinkle-free. The SKINNIES are gonna wrinkle first, nyah, nyah. We might keel over from cardio-vascular disease, BUT---we'll be damn good-looking CORPSES, I tell ya. So let's hear it for ZOFTIGEIT!

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Are We A "Chosen" Nation?

One of the things I find rather disquieting about political conservatives here in the U.S. is their insistence that we have somehow been "chosen" by God to---(and here any number of ideas can be inserted, depending on the individual). It's that "to" that bothers me, because it seems to suggest we OUGHT to rule the world, that we are morally superior by reason of God's "grace" (again, depending on the individual, the word "grace" can be replaced by anything up to and including the idea of "design"), and that we seem to have the RIGHT to impose our will on others because, as God's "chosen", we can do no wrong. Of course I realize that many of you may be rolling your eyes right now, thinking this blogger must be nuts, or a sore loser over Bush's re-election, but hear me out.
I have received many a campaign flyer in the mail saying that this country has a "special relationship with God", going all the way back to my misguided days as a Reaganite, and I can assure you that the message in those flyers was quite specific as to our "duties from God". In fact, it was just this kind of messianic political message that made me switch back to the Democrats. Certain circles in the Republican Right Wing evidently believe God has ordered a religious CRUSADE, and they have been chosen as His Scourge. No, I'm not exaggerating, nor am I making this up. Would it were so. Unfortunately, these basically good, God-fearing Republicans see themselves as besieged by the Forces of Evil, which seem to include Liberals and anyone who criticizes Bush. I'm NOT going to suggest that EVERY Republican feels this way, as I know there are many Republicans out there as worried by this as I am. But when I listen to callers on C-Span describe Liberals and other critics of Bush as "self-hating Americans", or "atheists" (as if only Republicans can be said to believe in God), and WORSE, I tend to get anxious about my Constitutional rights.
Alexis deTocqueville spoke of our tendency to enshrine majority rule into an almost ruthless repression of minority opinion in his 18th century classic "DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA", and it still holds true today. He titled it "the tyranny of the majority", and described American public opinion as being so thoroughly self-righteous in its assumption to squelch dissent that he feared our democratic strength might yet become our worst nightmare. This was written WELL before the emergence of todays political parties, as I believe the book was published during THE ERA OF GOOD FEELING, some few years after John Quincy Adams (correct me if I'm wrong) was president. It was felt that "factions", as political parties were considered then, might even make democracy unworkable altogether, and that might NOT have been such a wrong idea---in the light of the kind of vicious partisanship we're seeing now. But this "tyranny of the majority" seems to be gathering steam, as the Right Wing professes a religious fervor about politics that could very well serve to deprive critics of any right to dissent. When a president announces that he believes God "wanted him elected", and Right Wing conservatives proclaim themselves as "defenders of Judeo-Christian morality", should we NOT worry that politics will become so identified with a particular religion that those of us who hold different beliefs will be stigmatized?
Europe has had a great deal of experience with "religion as politics", which is why it hews strictly to the side of secularism. Republicans, especially those of the Rumsfeld/Ashcroft stripe, view this with disdain, and routinely dismiss our allies as "tepid" at best, and at worst, as having no "backbone", etc. But Europe KNOWS the terrible price that "crusades" can cost in human lives, having waged religious wars that spanned decades and solved nothing in the end. Europe KNOWS the terrible cost of war, period. After all, were not World Wars I and II fought there? Except for the Civil War, we here in America have suffered NOTHING comparable---not even 9/11 came anywhere NEAR to the carnage and utter destruction of the two greatest wars of living memory. We SHOULD be listening to Europe, really, as we seem to feel war is something that "can't happen here", for some strange reason. Mixing religion with politics, especially in the defense of a particular religious "truth", often makes war simply a matter of time. When one's opponent becomes demonized as an "evil-doer" in the religious sense, it's but a short step to rationalizing that God requires retribution. Witness the assassination of Yitshak Rabin.
It's not God, or religion, however, that ultimately bears the blame for this (although religious fanaticism started with the bible, sad to say), but our penchant for using God and religion as a convenient excuse for doing what we want to do, lending our base desires and outright greed a kind of saintly "altruistic" sheen. As I said before, these Republicans are good people who honestly believe God wants certain things of us, but the shrill, condemnatory rhetoric of this "True Believer" Conservatism is dangerous, for it gives rise to an equally shrill and uncompromising rhetoric from those who feel threatened by it, and if neither side will stop long enough to LISTEN to the reasons WHY their opponents feel as they do, nor be willing enough to put rhetoric aside to HONESTLY discuss their differences, then I fear we may see a far less democratic America in the next four years. Certainly NOT a war, but what has been called a "chilling effect" on dissent and non-Christian beliefs---unless the more MODERATE wing of the Republican party can wrest back control. Frankly, they'd better hurry. When even a celebrated conservative as BILL BUCKLEY can wonder about where this next term may be taking us, it's time to stop marching mindlessly along with the parade and start figuring out where we, as a country, OUGHT to go. If God TRULY "wants" us to "spread liberty", then let's wait until he comes down to TELL us that, in person. No book has been so mis-quoted throughout history as the bible, and rabbis say many passages in it STILL cannot be adequately translated due to the fact that the Hebrew language has no fixed vowels, and the generally accepted Masoretic version is only one of MANY possible translations. Unfortunately, religious fanatics believe God PERSONALLY wrote the bible, so I doubt if they'd listen to THAT. Nevertheless, we CAN get through this next term if we only remember that, as Professor Zemo told my American Govt. class back at Cal State in 1970, "The right to extend your fist ends at the jurisdiction of my nose." Your fist isn't God's, and my nose isn't Satan's, either.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

NOT An Idle Pastime...

Blogging, evidently, can be dangerous if you reside in a country which frowns upon free speech---and that includes FRANCE, it seems. The banner is from a blog here which lists those bloggers who are or have been arrested for posting views that their governments find "objectionable". It's not surprising to find countries like China, Iran, etc. listed, but I was rather shocked to find that France ALSO harrassed a blogger recently. Makes you wonder if ANY of us are safe. At any rate, I'm not too good at linking websites, unfortunately, but if you search you should find it. They are trying to get non-profit status at the moment, which I asume means being allowed to collect funds as a recognized charity. It looks pretty good, and we can certainly use this kind of information. After all, who knows if any of US might be next, as many of us here reside in various foreign countries. I'm not expecting to be jailed anytime soon---unless Bush REALLY goes off the deep end concerning criticism. He probably won't, though. So far, the Bill of Rights has kept paranoid types like Richard Nixon from rounding us Liberals up, and I expect it will continue to do so a while longer. Check this blog out, though. Just in case...