I'm going to address two topics,
both of which can't be stressed enough. First, Obama is
not responsible for BP's mess, and he
can't do anything to stop it. Those of you who are screaming that he isn't "doing enough" are angry, and I accept that,
but your misplaced anger is playing right into the hands of the same GOP that
gave BP the
right to
risk the very thing that has happened. It was the GOP who
clamored for the
deregulation of industry ever since Reagan took office. The GOP who, under Bush41 and 43, used the excuse of Free Markets to gut consumer protections---
not the Democrats. The GOP who gave corporations the right to
buy Congress under the idea of Money=Free Speech. So, if more money equals more speech, then who is it that has the
most money and therefore the
most "free speech"? Corporations. Is it any wonder, then, that our Coast Guard in the Gulf wears badges with the BP logo, and refuses to tell WE THE PEOPLE what's
really happening down there? If BP can silence the Coast Guard, then how can our
president find out what's going on? Face it, Obama is being lied to by BP, the Coast Guard, and quite possibly
Fox News and the GOP. Fox News is pushing Sarah Palin for the GOP contender, and she wants to
continue BP's free-wheeling drilling approach. Most of the up and coming GOP stars are Hard Right. Do we
really want to hand this country
back to the party that
started this whole fiasco?
Take a look at the image above, folks. That bird is
us. Wake up. It's not Obama, it's the
Republicans who bear the brunt of what is happening, and
they couldn't care
less what happens to us.
They are too busy celebrating their
victory this November, because they've
you to believe their lies. All they want is to
win, and they don't care
how. In fact, if Obama
could solve this crisis they'd be in trouble. The truth is, the GOP wants it to get
worse. Rush Limbaugh stated flat out he "hoped" Obama would "fail", and he speaks for the GOP.
Vote the Democrats out of Congress this November and you'll have the same GOP that gave us the financial crisis, the two wars we didn't need, and the deregulation of BP. Do that, and we're all going to wind up covered with oil. The perpetrators are BP and the GOP. Remember that.