At any rate, Murtha lost, so she backed down on her demands somewhat, but for how long ? Hopefully the Dems will get more moderates, and also the GOP. Iraq is almost hopeless, and Bush is STILL threatening Iran. Sigh. One problem at a time, fellas. Remember even WE didn't fight WWII on both fronts at once, and that's when we had the draft, too. If Vietnam taught us anything, it was you CAN'T keep on fighting all over the place---securing Hamburger Hill one day only to abandon it the next, then come back next week and have to fight over it all over again. Of course, politicians NEVER seem to listen to generals. Yes, MacArthur WAS right about Korea, but so was Truman...
Who's right about Iran is a moot point, though. Once a country has nuclear reactors, how do you prevent them from making plutonium? And the more we sit and threaten, the more time Iran has to develop WMD. Do we simply "cut and run" from Iraq to invade Iran? That's what we did in Afghanistan---after declaring we'd "won", naturally. Guess who's back in Kabul. Right, the Taliban we supposedly "defeated". "Mission Accomplished" and all that...
I figure by the time Bush's reign is up, he'll have made the whole Middle East "safe for facism". We certainly haven't made it safe for DEMOCRACY, now have we? Who taught Dubya history? Are we Rome, that we can spread "democracy" and "freedom" by force? Then how come it was always wrong when the SOVIETS "liberated" other countries? Wasn't the fact that they were over-extending themselves militarily one of the reasons the Soviet Union finally collapsed? Oh yeah, and don't forget Ronald Reagan, too. Sure, he yelled "Mr. Gorbachov, tear down this wall!", and just like Jericho...
So, we have a respite (of sorts) before January's "changing of the guard", I guess. Except for those @#$% phone calls from the pollsters about who'll we'll vote for in '08---the ones where the stupid machine disconnects after you pick up the receiver. Oh well, have a nice day...