How do we always manage to squeak by? Is it because, no matter how bad we blunder, we honestly do try to do what's right? Or is it that our blunders are sooo calamitous that Somebody "up there" has to "save" us in order to keep the whole universe from self-destructing? For some reason, I tend to think it's the latter. Not that I'm ungrateful, mind you; it's nice to know we can go pretty far before the Powers That Be abandon us to our folly. Of course, that's little consolation for the rest of the world, who have to somehow survive our attempts at "improving" things. As Louis B Mayer of MGM was wont to say, when confronted by needlessly "ingenious" movie scripts: "You've improved it worse!" We can at least all be thankful none of the horrible "what-ifs" (well, maybe some of them, but not the worst) have yet come to pass---despite Dubya's penchant for "improving it worse". And I suppose a God who doesn't have television "up there" must need to watch us for "entertainment". Let's hope He doesn't "do" Nielson Ratings...