Frankly, I hope not. But they're threatening to, and I honestly can't say what they should/shouldn't do because I don't know what the situation is over there. This is one of those times when living here in America can be tricky.
The Israeli Defense Forces probably would do a helluva better job than us if they decided to go ahead, but where does that leave me? As a Jew, people will naturally assume I'm loyal to Israel, and that's the tricky part. No matter what we do/don't do we're in the middle. Go to shul and your neighborhood Jewish Defense League wannabe will butt into any conversation to proclaim our "duty" to support Israel---no questions asked. Your gentile neighbors will also proclaim their "loyalty" to America and no matter what you say they'll still think you secretly favor Israel. It's almost a lose-lose situation here. I'd much rather we'd only have to face zombies; they can be (according to Shawn Of The Dead) muzzled and kept productive, at least.