Breaking News! All this week is the most fabulous conference of the most famous organization you've probably never heard of---The Bilderberg Group. Yes, this gaggle of Midas-rich, uber-powerful and extremely camera-shy elite from around the world meet secretly (or at least they used to, until investigative journalists like the late Jim Tucker exposed it) every year to help make our world a better place---for them, at any rate. Now please don't call me an extremist "truther" or anything like that; Alex Jones at Infowars.Com has a well-earned reputation for never stretching the truth (well, he did say that the Royals eat babies for breakfast, but I only heard that once), and sometimes he's right (even if his informants are often lunatics). Nevertheless, let us not impugn the name of these patriotic whistle-blowers who, if nothing else, give us a good laugh.
Seriously, though, what do the "Bilderbergers" discuss among themselves? And why all the secrecy and armed guards all over the place? One would think that such a glittering gathering of brilliant minds would want their discussions trumpeted over the front pages of the most prestigious newspapers, but there's nary a peep. Since Alex Jones, however, there's been plenty of noise and drama, which appears to make our "Betters" somewhat nervous, for some reason. Are they the nucleus of the shadowy New World Order that conspiracy theorists can't shut up about? Don't forget, conspiracy theorists aren't all a bunch of drooling idiots; how far would Nixon have gone without the revelations of Deep Throat? (I'm referring to the informant, not the movie.) And Jesse Ventura certainly scored big when he exposed the draining of our Great Lakes for sale to China.
I'm betting this gab-fest isn't just your usual meeting, especially since they don't want to be seen. Alex Jones, alas, may have to rant all by himself off in a field designated as a "free speech zone", but he'll have lots of juicy gossip to relate from the hotel staff, at least. There's always some new worry, never fear. Thank God for YouTube. And thank God for Alex Jones. Remember, there's a war on for your mind---if you still have one after all this insanity. As for me, I'm gonna have fun watching Alex make a fool of himself as always. Who knows? This might be the conference where they finally announce they really are reptilians, who do eat babies for breakfast.