Well, I guess the FBI will be coming for me, now that anyone who criticizes Bush is automatically considered an "enemy combatant". Don't laugh---a citizen who quietly told Cheney that the "policies in Iraq are reprehensible", then walked away, was apprehended by Secret Service (SS?)agents who demanded if he "assaulted the vice-president". Imagine, now mere WORDS are taken as physical attack.
So what's next? All the nasty stuff predicted by PrisonPlanet.Com? You know, those "wacko" conspiracy "nuts" who've been warning all along we'd finally come to this. Remember that movie Rush Limbaugh laughed at, the one where dissenting citizens were placed into concentration camps for being "leftist"? Yeah, I thought you would.
Sorry, folks, but this is no longer America. Bush said the Constitution "was just a goddamned piece of paper", and now it IS just that. Sure, they'll come after the "wacko peace nuts" and loud-mouthed war-protesters first---just like the Gestapo did in Nazi Germany. Remember that? Pastor Neimoller(sic)said it all back then. You know the quote, so I won't bore you by repeating it.
So now we wait. Oh, and that election coming up? Don't hold your breath. My generation was the loudest, tantrum-throwing, freedom-loving, radically political WHINERS ever. We were gonna save the world! And also drug ourselves to the gills during the "revolution". Well, we sure solved all the problems, didn't we. Clinton disgraced all of us with his adolescent behavior, for all his gifts as politition. Have ANY of us grown up, I wonder? We've already got ONE "child left-behind" playing commander-in-chief, already. Yeah, but he sure looked GOOD at Ground Zero, huh. At least Ronald Reagan could ACT.
Is all lost? I hope not, but I don't see any YOUNGER ones yelling in the streets like we did. We have a REASON to yell now, for God's sake. Our tantrums might MEAN something now, if we all weren't so fat and lazy to DO something! Like, maybe, VOTE? Hey, this could be the last election, folks. You don't wanna miss the LAST ONE, do you?
Boy, the sound of silence is really deafening...