Ah yes, Germany in 1933! Those heartwarming posters of Hitler and Hindenburgh together, with that endearing caption underneath---"In Your Heart You Know He's Right!" And those Germans sure DID, too. Adolf knew how to "whoop-ass", by golly! Didn't he look damn GOOD at those Nuremburg Rallies, shaking his fist at all those liberal wimps who'd "stabbed Germany in the back"? Oh yeah, HE knew the score. The only way to keep those Commie-Kikes from taking over was to burn the Reichstag and blame it on THEM. Once fair-minded Germans saw who the REAL enemy was, they got patriotic in a hurry. That Enabling Act was a stroke of pure genius, don't y'think? Got that Reichstag eating out of the palm of his hand, he did. With that stupid Weimar Constitution out of the way, Hitler was free to make Germany "uber alles" once again, and just EXTERMINATE all those traitors. Yep, those were the days...