Friday, December 10, 2004

Uncle Bill

I have been informed that I'm "too obsessed with" politics, and I suppose I am. It's just that, having lived through Watergate, Whitewater-gate, Lewinsky-gate, and Dubya-gate (I'm STILL hoping we'll impeach him), I tend to be rather under-whelmed with politicians---especially Republicans. This is to show all of you that I'm not biased, and I wish Clinton had kept his pants ZIPPED so we wouldn't have to be going through all this "God is my co-pilot" nonsense from the Right at the moment. I have nothing against Dubya believing in God, mind you, but when I hear pronouncements such as "I believe God wants me to be president", it kind of reminds me of similar delusionary beliefs whose "originators" came to learn weren't true---the hard way (remember Joan of Arc?).
Having said that, I promise to keep my rants to a minimum from now on (although I'll still include satiric photos of these bozos), so we can all enjoy eachother's blogs without feeling harangued (too much). It's Chanukah, after all, when we Jews can escape the insanity of THE SEASON for eight short days, and we NEED a time-out from "reality" (especially in Ohio, where the recount runs on like a bad sitcom) before Dubya announces the SECOND COMING at his inaugeration next month (look for a bearded, long-haired guy in sandals and a toga, and watch as the cops arrest him as an Al Qaida opperative). In this era of Homeland Security, any "messiah" had better come dressed in a three-piece business suit, or else. I'm JOKING, okay?
At any rate, let's all stop screaming at one another and realize the world WON'T end if every Liberal isn't silenced. And those on the LEFT should stop crying like babies, too. Remember the story of the Maccabees? So they DIDN'T really "do it all" in eight days, so what? They kept plugging away, hitting the enemy's weak spots, and finally won. Thank God, Republicans are NOT "the enemy", we can agree to disagree, and still have a Congress that works (at least MOST of the time). America is still a great country, for all our faults and shortcomings, and I'm certainly not moving to Canada any time soon, if ever. Just wanted to let you know that, however deeply I may distrust Republicans, I don't hate them. They're poor, misguided souls, but I'm confident they'll learn fast. Nothing changes so drastically as politics; a generation ago, we rebelled against "fascist" parents, and here our kids are rebelling against us "commie-pinko ex-hippies"! The world turns, folks. As they say "Man tracht und Gott lacht". Man plans and God laughs.
And on that's time to bentschlicht. Shabbat Shalom and Chanukah Sameach!