To answer the first question, we need to know just what it is that we do need before we can assess our supplies of same. Of course, we need idio---pardon me, patriots---who will be willing to give up their lives for a (supposedly) noble cause. What that supposed "noble" cause is, in this post, will be assumed to be a rebellion against a tyrannical government---ours. Everybody likes to rebel against tyranny (they say), and America is a country famed for it's dislike of authority, so we can assume there will be no shortage of rebels here---at least until the bullets start flying. Historically, American Minutemen have been quite prudent about being "Sunshine Patriots" who hate having their fun rained upon. Bad for one's health and all that. Of course we need weapons with which to fight and, guns being an American obsession, we can be sure of plenty of those. Unfortunately, the quality and quantities of guns available to our (ahem) oppressors might be a bit off-putting, as the military/police troops have oodles of toys that are forbidden to us (for our own good, presumably). Try going up against one of the new microwave weapons---you know, the ones that cook you from the inside out---with an AK47 (assuming you can get your hands on one); I believe the phrase "Your goose is cooked" might be somewhat of an understatement in that case. Then there are sonic weapons to blast out your eardrums, and new laser technology that's so top-secret even the Military prognosticators deny it exists. Well, they do give hints from time to time, but no photos. Those bad Chinese have been hacking our defense computers lately (they say), so mums the word.
Actually, the first question should be---do we have a group of leaders in charge who know what they're doing? Hmmm, we might want to think about that before we revolt; after all, the Founding Fathers didn't go about the American Revolution with a kind of Abbie Hoffman "Revolution For The Hell Of It" philosophy. While I dearly love the rantings of Alex Jones, I'd hesitate to put him in charge of the brigades. Ditto Adam Kokesh as well. I hate to spoil all the spontaneity of this rebellion, the patriot mystique and all that, yet we really ought to have a plan, don't you think? Before going to rebellion?
So, given that we don't have adequate weapons, were do we get them? I hardly think we'd have the same underdog quality that the mujaheddin possessed in their struggle against the Soviets (nor would we qualify for the same free goodies, either) which might gain us foreign allies. And remember, this is supposed to be our revolution, for freedom from tyranny; I don't fancy being taken over by our supposed friends. God knows we've done enough of that to them throughout our history. Why give them a chance to get even? Since it appears we won't get adequate weapons, I'd say we're screwed and maybe we should just do the sensible thing---try to get the military on our side, for a change. It may not work, but they, after all, are the experts, right?