At any rate, Bush sucks (some say he even swallows, too, but we won't go into that for decency's sake), and unless he goes, we're screwed. News reports say the Republicans, in true lemming fashion, are ready to make a compromise in order to prop Dubya up. After all, would you want to admit your leader was hopeless? So, in order not to hurt their chances for reelection (uh huh), Republicans may bend over and allow Fearless Leader to---ahem. (I won't be more explicit, but think "Barney Frank") Vershtain? Okay, kids, you don't have to explain that to your elders, and don't giggle out loud or your teacher will send me nasty emails...
As I said yesterday, Democrats are only happy about this because it might help their chances in '08. One wonders if they wouldn't be somehow resentful should Republicans get the credit for blocking the sale. (Three guesses, and the first two don't count) Meanwhile, "democracy" in Iraq has unravelled, Sunnis, Shias, and Kurds are poised for a very uncivil war (thanks to us), and Iran gains leverage due to the majority of Shia as opposed to Sunni in Iraq. Talk about the @#$% hitting the fan! Worse, the fan's blowing our way. How long before our radical Muslims start rioting? Note the modifier "radical", as I certainly do not advocate tarring all of them with the same brush, so to speak. This whole mess is gratis Dubya and his delusions of messiah-hood, bringing democracy to the world (whether they want it or not!) using armies and WMD. Oh, but it's perfectly fine for us to bomb and pillage, y'know. We're the good guys, right? If Clinton had tried any of Dubya's shenanegans, he'd have been impeached in a New York minute. Sooner, even. And how much you wanna bet Rush will blame all this on Bill?
A good 3/4ths of the world's political problems have been caused by our obsession with being the only Super Power, our quasi-religious belief that God has somehow appointed us as his new "Chosen People", and our irrational tendency toward the "one nation---under God" certainty that promoting public religious (Christian) displays confirms our "godliness". (Pardon me while I puke) When are we going to learn? Before, or after the Apocalypse? That fire coming down from heaven won't be God's wrath, but our own hubris coming back at us. What goes around, comes around...