I was in Florida last week, visiting the in-laws and doing shopping for my jewelry business. And I'm glad to be home, believe me. Florida is NOT paradise! It's crowded, noisey, and just plain crazy. Hardly any trees, except for those !@#$% palms all over. Everything is paved. Traffic is non-stop. You can't see any stars. Need I go on? Well, I should admit that the weather was pretty nice, but that was about the ONLY nice thing. Elderly in-laws are not for rooming with, period! We lasted the week, but my mother-in-law chases dirt like it's a sentient creature capable of propagating itself if not thoroughly destroyed. One speck of dust, and the whole apartment has to be cleaned! My father-in-law, of course, is a traditional male-chauvinist; women wait on menfolk hand and foot, he believes, so I must slave while my hubby and son sit and enjoy. Ha! I refused. WELL! I'm sure he hates my guts now, but I don't CARE. All in all, it wasn't too bad. Thank God both of them are going deaf! Unfortunately, the yelling back and forth is considered normal in Florida, where everyone over 70 seems to be deaf. Worst drivers I ever saw. Lots of sidewalks, but who wants to be a target? Nobody follows the traffic rules, and everybody believes they have the right of way. You NEED an SUV in Florida, just to survive should any idiot decide to prove that theory about "irressistible forces being able to pass right through immovable objects" ("Somethin's gotta give, somethin's gotta give...", with apologies to Steve Allen).
And so, having survived Florida, I'm happily bored back home in NH, where we await yet another blizzard. Ah, Spring!