Blogging, evidently, can be dangerous if you reside in a country which frowns upon free speech---and that includes FRANCE, it seems. The banner is from a blog here which lists those bloggers who are or have been arrested for posting views that their governments find "objectionable". It's not surprising to find countries like China, Iran, etc. listed, but I was rather shocked to find that France ALSO harrassed a blogger recently. Makes you wonder if ANY of us are safe. At any rate, I'm not too good at linking websites, unfortunately, but if you search Blogger.com you should find it. They are trying to get non-profit status at the moment, which I asume means being allowed to collect funds as a recognized charity. It looks pretty good, and we can certainly use this kind of information. After all, who knows if any of US might be next, as many of us here reside in various foreign countries. I'm not expecting to be jailed anytime soon---unless Bush REALLY goes off the deep end concerning criticism. He probably won't, though. So far, the Bill of Rights has kept paranoid types like Richard Nixon from rounding us Liberals up, and I expect it will continue to do so a while longer. Check this blog out, though. Just in case...