Sunday, August 29, 2004

Dumb, Da Dumb, Dumb, DUUUUUMB! or Oopsimath Strikes Again!

Yes, your typical American ill-literate here has to confess to a whopping big blooper---I totally forgot that Hebrew, as nearly every other language on this planet, genders its words either masculine or feminine. So "shoteh" (masc.) becomes "shotah" (fem.) when used to describe ME. Or any other female, naturally. Sorry. Big round of applause for Shira, who caught my mistake and emailed me. Now, if I can just figure out how to correct this entire blog without deleting it...
Aha! Didn't screw up AFTER all. Now, for some random brain-droppings (love George Carlin)...
The Republican National Convention/Coronation is adding a significant layer of hot air over the usual smog-laden NYC this week, so expect to see a temperature inversion by early next week from all that gas, proving that conservatives are RIGHT when it comes to their claim that hydroflurocarbons are not promoting global warming---well, ALMOST right, at any rate. With all the protesters busy throwing their "I Wanna Be On TV" tantrums, the place looks like a scene right out of Chicago 1968. In fact, the protesters look like the same ones THERE, except that they've gone gray and wrinkled. Sigh. Oh, to be young, slim, and hip again. About the only thing I still have of those three is "hip(s)", unfortunately. There's just something vaguely disgusting about the sight of a bunch of old geezers parading around like they were still Peaceniks in the 60's. And nothing ever changes. The protesters still claim kazillions more than what's reported on the news, the cops complain about how they're soooo over-worked and under-appreciated, the newscasters make ominous-sounding noises about this election being an earth-shattering event (did the earth move for YOU, too?), and in the end we all get screwed. Well, figuratively speaking, thankfully.
My conclusion? Try to take criticism gracefully, and get off your tuchus and vote!