Thursday, June 27, 2013

Are You Confused? Join The Club!

     Wow! There's just so much news out there. So what to believe, and whom to trust? Don't ask me, I'm on information overload. Alex Jones is prophesying the end of the world, but then he always is so I take him with a whole salt-shaker instead of the proverbial "grain of salt". Is Edward Snowden a hero or a double agent? Is the NSA a joke because it can't protect its data ( or, rather, our data) from this nerd? Did the CIA deliberately allow him to escape to Hong Kong in order to give the finger to its arch-rival? Will our government ever recover from this horrible crime? And somehow nothing has changed, for all of this mess. I mean, to listen to the news you'd think we're doomed, and maybe we are---but not yet.
     That's the thing, we're primed to panic but things just go on forever, it seems. Makes me almost wish "The End" was nigh, except it never is. Frankly, I don't know whether or not this new Supreme Court decision to end The Voter Rights Act is bad or not. What I do know is that it's not earth-shattering, despite the glum faces on Democracy Now, and the dire warnings from the NAACP. I have no fears that the former Confederacy will suddenly revert to the bad old days of literacy tests and baseball bat-toting sheriffs at the polls. As for the apocalyptic/apoplectic rantings of the Religious Reich about the striking down of DOMA (Defense Of Marriage Act)---as if gays being allowed to marry like the rest of us would cause Armageddon---well, I'm glad our Supremes for once got some sense into their pointy little heads. Now if only the Christian "patriot" movement would stop screaming about the Founding Fathers being "Luciferians" (a fancy term for Devil Worshipers, for crying out loud!) simply because most of them belonged to the Free Masons. You know what these so-called "patriots" really want, don't you? As if all the new Islamist extremist governments don't show us how wonderful having God in charge can be!
     Am I ranting? Maybe, but I get so tired of all this sensationalism. What if all our fears are actually groundless? Or some of them, at any rate. Oh, but that would be so boring, right? Let's face it, we like being scared---if only to heave a heartfelt sigh of relief when nothing happens. Remember 2012? What a drag, December 21 being just another day! Well, take heart. There surely will be something horrendous happening any minute now...