Sunday, December 25, 2005

Thank God She Had A Good Sense Of Humor

Mrs.D, originally uploaded by Reva49.

Once upon a time, back in 1966, I was a terribly awkward (physically and socially) senior in high school who positively worshipped a 22yr-old neophyte teacher who carried herself like a queen and had more brains than anyone I ever knew. Being your typical sheltered Catholic girl, I inadvertantly insulted her with a holiday card I'd whipped together in Art Class later that day.
It had to have been the worst card ever made! I painted the double blue bars and gold star of the Isreali flag on the front flap, and inside I scrawled a hasty verse that went like this:

"Christmas is for everyone
Not just a chosen few
And even though you're Jewish
With Chanukah all done
Have a Merry Christmas anyway
*Feliz Navidad to You!
*means Merry Christmas in Spanish"

Was that an insult or what? Fortunately, she thought it was funny. Me, I thought it would cheer her up. Yeah, right---like a note from the IRS, maybe. At any rate, I meant well, and she realized that. Here's hoping all of you have a Merry Xmas, Happy Chanukah, and a good Kwanzaa!