No, I'm joking, but I've had nothing but trouble with this thing. One thing you can count on is Windows going haywire, and mine denied ME access! Maybe Al Quaida is making laptops now? The news in cyberworld isn't good, folks. Regardless of whom it might be, hackers are on the move, and the new worry now is----rootkits. Worse, you don't have to be a computer expert to write these things, as the code is open source! Worse yet, you'll probably never know you have one. Rootkits hide themselves so deep in your harddrive that even the BEST malware-removers can't detect them. Think Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, only in cyber terms. Isn't it wonderful what technology can do? Oh, and Microsoft says the only thing you can do to your harddrive once you're infected is to nuke it. I hope they don't mean put the thing in the microwave. At any rate, rootkits are so easy to write that an idiot like me could end up writing code that trashes your machine. Luckily, however, I have no intentions that way. With MY luck I'd end up trashing my OWN computer! Of course, Microsoft advises that rootkits aren't inherently evil----just misunderstood. Yeah, like the Officer Krupke song, I suppose. Well, rootkits are a great way to cloak something you don't want someone else seeing; seems students at college use them for hiding the illicit movies they download over the college server, and have been for years! Microsoft thinks that's an example of harmless rootkitting. Uh huh, and I'm sure those studentsould aren't downloading Disney movies, either.
Getting back to my original thesis, my laptop could be infected, the way it acts. More likely, though, is my wild editing of Group Policy. Most of my expertise has come from hands-on training, so to speak. I could probably tell Microsoft something they didn't know, but as soon as they learned it's some old broad who used to teach English---well, I can hear the laughter now. I figure it's only a matter of time before the world blames rootkits on the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion, as they have everything else thus far. At any rate, be well. Gam ze ye'avor, this too shall pass.
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