THIS photo is what we've given Iraq. This is what happens in war---no matter how "smart" your weapons are, or how good your intentions. There are websites with photos of what DU does to the unborn, and you should check them out before you huff and puff over all this "Bush-bashing" by the so-called "Liberal" media. How many times do you have to hear that these companies are owned by the same people who give you Fox News? And that wonderfully touching moment at last week's Town Meeting, when a woman asked Dubya why the press keeps printing only bad things about this war, and can't the government force these nasty Liberals to tell the truth. Oh, what a heart-warming moment, folks, when Bush said (in all "sincerity") that the press can't be forced to tell the truth.
Yeah, like hell they can't. Sounds to me like a call to patriotic Republicans to demand just that! You just know your elected representatives (always fearful of appearing "soft" on terrorism) will gladly cave in on that (not to mention the fact that elections are coming up). And I include Dems in the spineless category as well. Face it, this is what democracy does. The majority of fools gets the boob of their choice---so why are we soooo shocked that Iraqis fear majority rule? Because the majority just happens to be Shiites, when Sunnis held the reins under the Baathists? Of course, we wouldn't interfere with the majority's choice, now would we? Uh uh, we'd smile and point proudly to the fruits of our labors (and if you believe that, after all the political assassinations we've done since the 1960's, you need serious help)! Iran is next, people, so how could even a twit like Dubya allow Shiites to rule Iraq?
But I'm just an EVIL LIBERAL, I guess, so go ahead and believe all the lies you hear on Rush Limbaugh and Fox. Don't say you weren't warned, though.