Monday, April 30, 2007

Hi There!

Well, I'm back. Don't all cheer at once, now.
So, the Dems are doing nothing constructive, but why should I be surprised? And, of course, we're being asked to swallow the line about Al Qiada having nukes. Yawn.
As for the home-front, my son wants to become a Christian. Ain't that nice? I'd rather he be an atheist or a Buddhist, for cryinoutloud. This is the result of stupid bus drivers, teachers, and ignorant Jews trying to "help" him. How nice. This isn't going to be pretty, but:
There, I feel better now. Sorry, but I won't take it back, either. If you don't like it, TOUGH. How would you feel if your child was brainwashed? Then stop brainwashing mine. Thank you.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Just Checking...

I saw on one of the conspiracy websites that there are plans afoot to require any blogger who criticizes Bush to register with Congress as a lobby, the refusal to do so being imprisonment, so I decided to test it out.
Not that I believe it's true, mind you, but I really needed a good excuse to bash Dubya and this is as good as any.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Just a friendly reminder. And let's hope the Dems have enough votes to rescind the Patriot Act, etc., and put the Constitution back in its rightful place! Republicans, you KNOW that Dubya is wrong, so add YOUR votes to the dissent as well. It's perfectly patriotic to say NO to the president. Remember, Congress NEVER declared war, and no president should EVER have that power again. The Constitution still contains the paragraph: "...should any government...become [a tyranny]...the people have the right---THE DUTY---to overthrow it..."
I may not have quoted it exactly, but that's the gist of it. No more partisanship, guys. We The People voted. You work for US, so let's start working together.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Have A Good One...

I wish I could ice-skate. It looks like such fun. Oh well, if we ever get any good snow I still have my snow-shoes.