Sorry to burst your bubble, patriots, but it's true. The Declaration Of Independence only mentions "creator", not God. The reason being to keep our nation from coming under the rule of theocrats, regardless of religion. Why do I have to remind you of this? Once our country "declares" for one religion or another, the others will inevitably become "foreign". Look at what's happening in the Middle East. Do we need that? And that's how it would be, even under Christianity.
Before the Bill Of Rights, back before the Constitution, we had religious tyranny. Hell, the Puritans came here to establish their form of Christianity, and they persecuted whoever disagreed with them. Ever hear of Roger Williams? No, not the composer but a pastor who was forced to flee to Rhode Island in order to have his own church, free from the control of the Mayflower bunch. He was lucky. Had he been Catholic he might never had a chance anywhere in the colonies. Yes, Catholics were universally hated throughout the colonies. Maryland, which had been established by Lord Baltimore as a refuge for Catholic colonists, had already been taken over by rabid so-called proper Christians who had promptly "restored" the "heretical" colony to Protestantism, and "lawfully" reduced Catholics to near peons. Quakers had similar problems in some colonies, so did Jews. Nevertheless, Catholics remained political pariahs---almost to the candidacy of John F Kennedy!
Do you think we won't make the same mistakes should you "patriots" succeed? Declare America to be Christian and you've destroyed everything our Founders fought for. They were Deists, you ninnies, not Christians! They believed in a God who'd "wound up the universe" like a clock and given it to us to take care of---not your wimpy idea that Man is so evil he can't save himself but needs some "savior" to die on a cross because God supposedly couldn't think of a better way. Gimme a break! And what would happen to non-bible faiths such as Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.? Please, don't "reassure" me that we'd still have religious freedom under a theocracy. We all know better.
Remember the First Amendment, where it says "Congress shall make no law... respecting an establishment of religion..."? Do you actually know what it means? It means no religion is to be declared the "established" religion of America, period. Or do you plan to re-write everything? Of course you do, else how can you declare America Christian? Well, I'm not stupid. I happen to like the Constitution just the way it is, thank you. We who aren't Christians have rights, and we intend to keep them. Just letting you know...
I wasn't supposed to be had. My mother's gynecologist told her to have a hysterectomy some 3 years before I was born, but she didn't. We were Catholic, but I didn't fit in. Felt drawn to Judaism and converted, but I STILL don't fit in. Well, that's tough. I'm staying.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Are You Confused? Join The Club!
Wow! There's just so much news out there. So what to believe, and whom to trust? Don't ask me, I'm on information overload. Alex Jones is prophesying the end of the world, but then he always is so I take him with a whole salt-shaker instead of the proverbial "grain of salt". Is Edward Snowden a hero or a double agent? Is the NSA a joke because it can't protect its data ( or, rather, our data) from this nerd? Did the CIA deliberately allow him to escape to Hong Kong in order to give the finger to its arch-rival? Will our government ever recover from this horrible crime? And somehow nothing has changed, for all of this mess. I mean, to listen to the news you'd think we're doomed, and maybe we are---but not yet.
That's the thing, we're primed to panic but things just go on forever, it seems. Makes me almost wish "The End" was nigh, except it never is. Frankly, I don't know whether or not this new Supreme Court decision to end The Voter Rights Act is bad or not. What I do know is that it's not earth-shattering, despite the glum faces on Democracy Now, and the dire warnings from the NAACP. I have no fears that the former Confederacy will suddenly revert to the bad old days of literacy tests and baseball bat-toting sheriffs at the polls. As for the apocalyptic/apoplectic rantings of the Religious Reich about the striking down of DOMA (Defense Of Marriage Act)---as if gays being allowed to marry like the rest of us would cause Armageddon---well, I'm glad our Supremes for once got some sense into their pointy little heads. Now if only the Christian "patriot" movement would stop screaming about the Founding Fathers being "Luciferians" (a fancy term for Devil Worshipers, for crying out loud!) simply because most of them belonged to the Free Masons. You know what these so-called "patriots" really want, don't you? As if all the new Islamist extremist governments don't show us how wonderful having God in charge can be!
Am I ranting? Maybe, but I get so tired of all this sensationalism. What if all our fears are actually groundless? Or some of them, at any rate. Oh, but that would be so boring, right? Let's face it, we like being scared---if only to heave a heartfelt sigh of relief when nothing happens. Remember 2012? What a drag, December 21 being just another day! Well, take heart. There surely will be something horrendous happening any minute now...
That's the thing, we're primed to panic but things just go on forever, it seems. Makes me almost wish "The End" was nigh, except it never is. Frankly, I don't know whether or not this new Supreme Court decision to end The Voter Rights Act is bad or not. What I do know is that it's not earth-shattering, despite the glum faces on Democracy Now, and the dire warnings from the NAACP. I have no fears that the former Confederacy will suddenly revert to the bad old days of literacy tests and baseball bat-toting sheriffs at the polls. As for the apocalyptic/apoplectic rantings of the Religious Reich about the striking down of DOMA (Defense Of Marriage Act)---as if gays being allowed to marry like the rest of us would cause Armageddon---well, I'm glad our Supremes for once got some sense into their pointy little heads. Now if only the Christian "patriot" movement would stop screaming about the Founding Fathers being "Luciferians" (a fancy term for Devil Worshipers, for crying out loud!) simply because most of them belonged to the Free Masons. You know what these so-called "patriots" really want, don't you? As if all the new Islamist extremist governments don't show us how wonderful having God in charge can be!
Am I ranting? Maybe, but I get so tired of all this sensationalism. What if all our fears are actually groundless? Or some of them, at any rate. Oh, but that would be so boring, right? Let's face it, we like being scared---if only to heave a heartfelt sigh of relief when nothing happens. Remember 2012? What a drag, December 21 being just another day! Well, take heart. There surely will be something horrendous happening any minute now...
Monday, June 10, 2013
A Revolting Thought

To answer the first question, we need to know just what it is that we do need before we can assess our supplies of same. Of course, we need idio---pardon me, patriots---who will be willing to give up their lives for a (supposedly) noble cause. What that supposed "noble" cause is, in this post, will be assumed to be a rebellion against a tyrannical government---ours. Everybody likes to rebel against tyranny (they say), and America is a country famed for it's dislike of authority, so we can assume there will be no shortage of rebels here---at least until the bullets start flying. Historically, American Minutemen have been quite prudent about being "Sunshine Patriots" who hate having their fun rained upon. Bad for one's health and all that. Of course we need weapons with which to fight and, guns being an American obsession, we can be sure of plenty of those. Unfortunately, the quality and quantities of guns available to our (ahem) oppressors might be a bit off-putting, as the military/police troops have oodles of toys that are forbidden to us (for our own good, presumably). Try going up against one of the new microwave weapons---you know, the ones that cook you from the inside out---with an AK47 (assuming you can get your hands on one); I believe the phrase "Your goose is cooked" might be somewhat of an understatement in that case. Then there are sonic weapons to blast out your eardrums, and new laser technology that's so top-secret even the Military prognosticators deny it exists. Well, they do give hints from time to time, but no photos. Those bad Chinese have been hacking our defense computers lately (they say), so mums the word.
Actually, the first question should be---do we have a group of leaders in charge who know what they're doing? Hmmm, we might want to think about that before we revolt; after all, the Founding Fathers didn't go about the American Revolution with a kind of Abbie Hoffman "Revolution For The Hell Of It" philosophy. While I dearly love the rantings of Alex Jones, I'd hesitate to put him in charge of the brigades. Ditto Adam Kokesh as well. I hate to spoil all the spontaneity of this rebellion, the patriot mystique and all that, yet we really ought to have a plan, don't you think? Before going to rebellion?
So, given that we don't have adequate weapons, were do we get them? I hardly think we'd have the same underdog quality that the mujaheddin possessed in their struggle against the Soviets (nor would we qualify for the same free goodies, either) which might gain us foreign allies. And remember, this is supposed to be our revolution, for freedom from tyranny; I don't fancy being taken over by our supposed friends. God knows we've done enough of that to them throughout our history. Why give them a chance to get even? Since it appears we won't get adequate weapons, I'd say we're screwed and maybe we should just do the sensible thing---try to get the military on our side, for a change. It may not work, but they, after all, are the experts, right?
Friday, June 07, 2013
1984-1967 That Was Then, This Is Now (and no, it's NOT backwards)
I learned from dear old Alex Jones that George Orwell's most famous novel was supposedly published on this date back in 1948. Now that is incredible! Of course, Orwell's timeline was a bit off---he had the riots beginning right after WWII instead of the mid to late 1960s---but if you take the timeline from the 60s on he's not that off. Remember that in his book the government of Big Brother was already well ensconced by the title date while the riots of the 60s stretched well into the 70s as well. Still, his timeline when adjusted for real events seems pretty well accurate. In the light of Bilderberg and all the government scandals currently happening around the world, not to mention the egregious thefts of our constitutional rights since George W Bush, I'd like to relate a true story from my high school senior year.
In my school we had two teachers who taught all of the senior College Prep students scheduled for the course called AMERICAN HISTORY II, which was actually American Government. I was lucky enough, along with around 165 others, to have been given an unknown first-year teacher instead of the wildly popular History Department Head. She was nothing any of us could have expected (which also occurred to her dept. head boss and the rest of the school administration but, alas for them, too late to do anything about except pray we wouldn't remember her lessons). Well, I guess God was on vacation that year. Getting back to my narrative, however, she did about the worst thing a history teacher could do. She actually believed teachers were supposed to make students think! Sort of "stealth teaching", or maybe even teaching as a "subversive activity" (there was a book by that title published sometime in the 70s, but I can't recall the author). In any case, her most insubordinate action came when, after bucking the entire township over the inclusion of 1984 and Brave New World on her required-reading list, she committed the treasonous crime of calling Orwell's book a prophesy, God forbid! (And if that wasn't bad enough, she refused to consider them too sexually "titillating" for "impressionable" youngsters---who were already enjoying pornographic books since junior high---but I digress...)
So, what was this "prophesy"? Let's see now. Well, there are the three principles of IngSoc: War Is Peace, Ignorance Is Strength, and Freedom Is Slavery. As for the first, she merely pointed out that we'd only been at war now since Korea, but it really wasn't officially war because Congress hadn't declared war since WWII (you know, little Constitutional quibbles like that). And then she asked us if we felt as though we were at war, which we had to admit we did not---not right in the midst of Lyndon Baines Johnson's GREAT SOCIETY, at any rate. Having "guns and butter" certainly wasn't like WWII, she pointed out. As for the second, Ignorance Is Strength, well, we weren't being told very much about Vietnam, right? In fact, she added, the govt. made sure we knew very little about almost everything. Those daily Body Counts reported in the newspapers, in which every severed finger found was automatically considered a whole person, just might be propaganda. WOW! A teacher saying our own government might deliberately lie to us? I remember my mother having a lot to say about that, none of which can be repeated due to rather coarse language. And finally, Freedom Is Slavery, about which she said we weren't really free---that the draft might well be the "involuntary servitude" the Constitution forbade, and that perhaps we needed to wake up. Boy, did the school's switchboard light up as soon as we told our parents! Unfortunately, she only lasted that one year, but I'm sure you guessed that.
Sorry for the length of this piece, but I had to leave out lots of the things she said that day. Still, she was right. I wish I could thank her by name. She went on to become a damn good lawyer, working as an advocate for the poor and probably making peanuts for it. She remains my idol to this day. I have great expectations for those I consider my idols, but she surpassed them. I suppose we all have at least one teacher like her. Yes, welcome to 1984---but we aren't the Proles, and we are awake!
So, what was this "prophesy"? Let's see now. Well, there are the three principles of IngSoc: War Is Peace, Ignorance Is Strength, and Freedom Is Slavery. As for the first, she merely pointed out that we'd only been at war now since Korea, but it really wasn't officially war because Congress hadn't declared war since WWII (you know, little Constitutional quibbles like that). And then she asked us if we felt as though we were at war, which we had to admit we did not---not right in the midst of Lyndon Baines Johnson's GREAT SOCIETY, at any rate. Having "guns and butter" certainly wasn't like WWII, she pointed out. As for the second, Ignorance Is Strength, well, we weren't being told very much about Vietnam, right? In fact, she added, the govt. made sure we knew very little about almost everything. Those daily Body Counts reported in the newspapers, in which every severed finger found was automatically considered a whole person, just might be propaganda. WOW! A teacher saying our own government might deliberately lie to us? I remember my mother having a lot to say about that, none of which can be repeated due to rather coarse language. And finally, Freedom Is Slavery, about which she said we weren't really free---that the draft might well be the "involuntary servitude" the Constitution forbade, and that perhaps we needed to wake up. Boy, did the school's switchboard light up as soon as we told our parents! Unfortunately, she only lasted that one year, but I'm sure you guessed that.
Tuesday, June 04, 2013
A Bilderburger And A Side Of Fries, Please...
Breaking News! All this week is the most fabulous conference of the most famous organization you've probably never heard of---The Bilderberg Group. Yes, this gaggle of Midas-rich, uber-powerful and extremely camera-shy elite from around the world meet secretly (or at least they used to, until investigative journalists like the late Jim Tucker exposed it) every year to help make our world a better place---for them, at any rate. Now please don't call me an extremist "truther" or anything like that; Alex Jones at Infowars.Com has a well-earned reputation for never stretching the truth (well, he did say that the Royals eat babies for breakfast, but I only heard that once), and sometimes he's right (even if his informants are often lunatics). Nevertheless, let us not impugn the name of these patriotic whistle-blowers who, if nothing else, give us a good laugh.
Seriously, though, what do the "Bilderbergers" discuss among themselves? And why all the secrecy and armed guards all over the place? One would think that such a glittering gathering of brilliant minds would want their discussions trumpeted over the front pages of the most prestigious newspapers, but there's nary a peep. Since Alex Jones, however, there's been plenty of noise and drama, which appears to make our "Betters" somewhat nervous, for some reason. Are they the nucleus of the shadowy New World Order that conspiracy theorists can't shut up about? Don't forget, conspiracy theorists aren't all a bunch of drooling idiots; how far would Nixon have gone without the revelations of Deep Throat? (I'm referring to the informant, not the movie.) And Jesse Ventura certainly scored big when he exposed the draining of our Great Lakes for sale to China.
I'm betting this gab-fest isn't just your usual meeting, especially since they don't want to be seen. Alex Jones, alas, may have to rant all by himself off in a field designated as a "free speech zone", but he'll have lots of juicy gossip to relate from the hotel staff, at least. There's always some new worry, never fear. Thank God for YouTube. And thank God for Alex Jones. Remember, there's a war on for your mind---if you still have one after all this insanity. As for me, I'm gonna have fun watching Alex make a fool of himself as always. Who knows? This might be the conference where they finally announce they really are reptilians, who do eat babies for breakfast.
Seriously, though, what do the "Bilderbergers" discuss among themselves? And why all the secrecy and armed guards all over the place? One would think that such a glittering gathering of brilliant minds would want their discussions trumpeted over the front pages of the most prestigious newspapers, but there's nary a peep. Since Alex Jones, however, there's been plenty of noise and drama, which appears to make our "Betters" somewhat nervous, for some reason. Are they the nucleus of the shadowy New World Order that conspiracy theorists can't shut up about? Don't forget, conspiracy theorists aren't all a bunch of drooling idiots; how far would Nixon have gone without the revelations of Deep Throat? (I'm referring to the informant, not the movie.) And Jesse Ventura certainly scored big when he exposed the draining of our Great Lakes for sale to China.
I'm betting this gab-fest isn't just your usual meeting, especially since they don't want to be seen. Alex Jones, alas, may have to rant all by himself off in a field designated as a "free speech zone", but he'll have lots of juicy gossip to relate from the hotel staff, at least. There's always some new worry, never fear. Thank God for YouTube. And thank God for Alex Jones. Remember, there's a war on for your mind---if you still have one after all this insanity. As for me, I'm gonna have fun watching Alex make a fool of himself as always. Who knows? This might be the conference where they finally announce they really are reptilians, who do eat babies for breakfast.
Sunday, June 02, 2013
There's Always Tomorrow---Maybe
Moving right along in our "best of all possible worlds", we can be happy to know that the world situation is hopeless but not serious. Of course, who we're really supporting in this Syria thing might make a difference. Then again, the United States has never lost a war, right? Uhhh, well, maybe. Our government's still out on that one. We'll take the patriotic view, however, and give them the benefit of the doubt. After all, good Americans are supposed to be patriotic and never question Big Si---pardon me, I meant the facts. You know, the ones we get from Pox News, and God's Own Party? Mustn't be naughty and give "comfort to the enemy" (whoever that is, at this point). Don't worry, though, we'll always find an enemy somewhere. After all, we now have all these lovely "home-grown" terrorists popping up all over the place. Maybe you're one and don't know it yet.
We're just sooo lucky to have militarized cops patrolling our streets in tanks. Kinda makes you feel all nice and cozy, doesn't it, knowing they'll only get rough if they really need to. And those Fema Camps sitting there waiting for the next emergency, don't they give you a warm feeling of security? Yes, we'll be taken care of, folks. Internment camps aren't all that bad---just ask the Nisei! All the comforts of home, plus barbed-wire fencing around it to keep you safe from wild animals and things. And don't worry about Syria. Just because our allies call themselves Bin-Laden Brigades doesn't mean they're Al Qaeda. Oh, John McCain said they are? Well, I'm sure we can trust them.
Kinda looks like Bozo The Clown, doesn't it? Have a happy war!
We're just sooo lucky to have militarized cops patrolling our streets in tanks. Kinda makes you feel all nice and cozy, doesn't it, knowing they'll only get rough if they really need to. And those Fema Camps sitting there waiting for the next emergency, don't they give you a warm feeling of security? Yes, we'll be taken care of, folks. Internment camps aren't all that bad---just ask the Nisei! All the comforts of home, plus barbed-wire fencing around it to keep you safe from wild animals and things. And don't worry about Syria. Just because our allies call themselves Bin-Laden Brigades doesn't mean they're Al Qaeda. Oh, John McCain said they are? Well, I'm sure we can trust them.
Kinda looks like Bozo The Clown, doesn't it? Have a happy war!
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