I am
not proud to be an Amerikan (no, it's not misspelled but deliberate) and I
refuse to celebrate a holiday that has become not only obsolete but obscene as well! After what this country has done, how can
any sane citizen be blind enough to fall for all this patriotic crap? We lost our liberties and stupidly believe the Second Amendment protects us from our government. Yeah? Well, get ready for foreign troops "helping" to maintain "order" at national events such as July 4th. Don't believe me? Google it. We've had foreign troops training on our soil for decades, in direct violation of the Constitution and Posse Comitatus
way before 9/11. But we just ignored it, preferring to believe that we were simply "training" these foreign troops to handle their
own people. After all, we assured ourselves, this is America where "It can't happen here" ("It" being any number of tyrannies practiced by our enemies---
never by
us). Then came 9/11 and we rolled over like obedient dogs when Dubya snapped his fingers.
Shame on us! We allowed fear to take over our minds, gave up our freedoms for supposed "safety" that never materialized, and let a bunch of Republican fascists tear up the Bill of Rights without so much as a
peep of protest. Those who
did have backbone enough to cry out were silenced with the threat of more "terror" attacks should we remain free. And we fell for it every time! We cheered our drunken president on when he called for war against any countries who "harbored terrorists", cheered as our troops murdered their way through Iraq because that liar told us Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11! We cheered when he proclaimed we had to right to depose any foreign leader we didn't like---under the despicable euphemism of "Regime Change". Of course, all Dubya did was to make public what our CIA had been doing privately since the 1947 National Security Act, but we
knew we couldn't "win" the Cold War without cheating, right? Saddam Hussein was our boy, the School Of The Americas (
another euphemism! It only taught how to kill and
other lovely stuff) taught him everything he knew. So was Osama bin Laden! And we're so
shocked to learn that our wonderful, democratic government now considers
us to be the terrorists? Hell,
we're the ones running Al Qaeda now! Google it. Go on, I
dare you.

No, I can't
be "patriotic" anymore. If there were any other country where I could go, I would. Truth is, the whole
world has been f***ed over by us, so there
is nowhere else now. Go,
celebrate your mindless nationalistic paganism, you fools, but don't expect
me to bend my head while some damned idiot on a podium intones a prayer as the national rag goes up (made in Taiwan, I bet!). God
isn't on our side, and
never was. We're not on
his side, either---not after all
we've done. If he ever comes back, we'd better hide. And if we ever want to
be America again, we'd damn well better get off our knees!