A "shoteh" is Hebrew for a fool or crazy person, as in the expression "chassid shoteh", which literally means a pious fool and can be used to refer to someone so overly religious that he/she seems crazy. In Brooklyn, we used the term "Crazy Orthodoxy" to refer to the kind of Ultra-Orthodox whose rabbis issued "chumrahs" (or chumrat) by the minute! Interestingly, a chumrah is supposed to be a VOLUNTARY strict practice, but these guys decreed everything as "das torah", which I assume means something similar to "halacha l'Moshe m'Sinai", or given to Moses at Sinai. Also, a shoteh is listed among the categories of people considered to be "unfit" to testify at a Beth Din. The other categories are women (except for testifying about other women), children, and deaf-mutes. Shoteh may include deaf-mutes, and may refer to the mentally deficient as well. As for me, being a misfit I chose shotah to decribe my general weirdness and misfit-ness. Be well.
(Edited because dumb ol' me forgot that Hebrew, as most languages on the planet, has no neuter gender)
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