His latest blog (the url is http://www.savethemales.ca/000322 html) is nothing less than a vicious attack on ALL Jews (remember he said it was only the Zionists, not the rest of Jewry who were guilty?) As I feared, his "nice guy" demeanor has been shed to reveal his true agenda, which is to "defend" Christianity. Oh yes, he's sooo sorry to have to say this (sound familiar?), but Judaism is "flawed" and the Pharisees "hijacked" the religion that Moses founded. He's shocked, shocked, that these evil rabbis lied to us, that the Sadducees were the real bearers of Mosaic Law but they were shut up when the Pharisees took over.
So how does he know this is so? Why, Christ himself accuses the Pharisees of this. Oh, and by the way, Christ is the real descendant of Moses. Yeah, right---and I'm the pope, too. But that's not the worst of it. He also claims that Jews should see Mel Gibson's diatribe-cum-movie about the crucifixion of You-Know-Who, and they should realize that Judaism is false because of it. You remember Mel Gibson---the actor who was pulled over by the cops for DUI when he began shouting Jewish slurs, then "apologized" but insisted his father (who'd taught him those things) would never lie to him. Well,duh.... No anti-Semite ever thinks he lies. Hitler believed every word of Mein Kampf, but that didn't make it any more true.
I have to feel sorry for Mel, though; who wants to admit a beloved parent has lied to one? Makow, however, is something else, and we've seen too much of these "sorrowful" types lately. As I said last time, it's always a fellow Jew who makes the best anti-Semite. That is---if Makow is, or ever was, what he claims. At any rate, he has the right to claim he's a Jew. I don't believe he is, but who knows? We've all seen the kind of lies the apostates spout to disparage Judaism after converting to Christianity. Makow, sadly enough, probably believes what he says. I almost feel sorry for him as well. Almost. Unfortunately, people like Makow are a dime a dozen, and mostly gibbering idiots. He is not; he writes well, very well, and sounds like an English professor (which he says he was), but it's the hate in his soaring rhetoric and perfect grammar that is to be feared. Whether he is a Jew or not doesn't matter---except that gentiles are easily gulled by his kind. From my own experience I know that people who claim to be Jews are always believed by gentiles. Every time. That is the danger here, because his hateful words will be believed all the more so, even by gentiles who ordinarily like Jews. I've seen it happen---in my own family and our neighborhood. I see it happen today as well. Please go to his website and see for yourself how he makes the most outrageous lies sound absolutely true.
Mel Gibson's movie made the public think, all right. In fact, the public nearly vomited in the theaters from all the blood and gore. I laugh at Mel Gibson,but Makow is as funny as Hitler, and possibly more dangerous.
1 comment:
Is Makow a self-hating Jew? I am unsure, personally I do not necessarily agree, though he certainly may be called such. I think it is far more accurate to call Henry Makow a self-loathing homosexual.
Basically, "Dr." Makow (assuming his Ph.D is not a fraud, which I question) is trapped in a transparent closet. It is so painfully obvious that he is a repressed homosexual notwithstanding whatever smokescreen he exudes or belches out. His obsession with the (non-existent) "gay agenda" is one sign. (Research confirms the longheld suspicion that homophobes are almost always gay themselves.) Clearly Makow's bigotry is a projection of his own self-loathing.
Then there is his attitude towards women. He blames feminists, the "gay agenda" and the "NWO" or whatever for his failures with women (you know to deflect blame from the most obvious culprit, his own latent homosexuality). So he finally goes to the Philippines to find an impoverished woman who clearly never had anything like a real education to bring back to Canada as a beard... oops, I mean wife! [And it is obvious he has no real physical/sexual attraction to women. He wrote an article called "Breasts are for Babies, not Men" for pete's sake!]
Bottomline, Henry Makow is a self-hating homosexual first, if anything, and a self-hating Jew second. I think that sums up the root of his psyche (or psychosis).
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