What is it about educated adults that makes them whine like spoiled brats when they don't get their way? This whole BP mess has suddenly become Obama's fault, and normally intelligent Dems from the Gulf States are screaming for him to do something. But what, really, can he do? First, it wasn't his fault but BP's greed and arrogance. Second, it's their duty to fix this---which they may not be able to, and we may just be looking at a dead Gulf. Third, our government doesn't have the equipment nor expertise to handle this mess.
And now even Republicans have joined the baying hounds biting at his heels. Honestly!
This is not Katrina, for which Bush must take some responsibility for having botched. Bush could not have caused the storm, but he became liable when he could have sent FEMA in to help and simply let it continue. This situation is quite different. Let's put the blame where it lies, on BP, and stop demanding our president wave a magic wand. Yes, I know that all too many of us had/have unreasonably high expectations for Obama, but God he is not. And while Democrats scream, Republicans are trying to relieve BP of most liabilities. Of course, the GOP is more concerned about saving Big Oil and stirring up popular opinion against Obama. They only want to oust him come 2012, and they will do anything it takes.
Are we going to throw a tantrum (again) and put back the same jokers who gave us the current financial crisis?
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