It seems we can't watch TV anymore without being hammered by "news analysis" that reeks of partisanship and contempt for the American voter. We are all stupid (according to Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc) because we will listen to them and vote accordingly---at least that's what they think. However, they're forgetting Abraham Lincoln's famous political observation: You can fool some of the people some of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
For those of us who prefer to think for ourselves, this constant peddling of gloom and doom about the Obama administrations "failure" to solve everything right away sounds like a bunch of two-year olds throwing tantrums. These problems didn't begin with Obama, or the Democrats. Like Rome, it wasn't built in a day, or even a month. Most began with the previous administration, but no one wants to hear that, it seems. Of course we're upset, but if they think we're simply going to throw a tantrum come November (and the GOP is counting on it), they really must be daft.
Yes, we've read BRAVE NEW WORLD. We know how cunning the advertisement experts are, and that constant repetition of lies can sway people. Perhaps the GOP will be able to sway enough voters to return control to the same party that caused this mess, but November is still six months away. We don't care to be lectured by political pundits who worship opinion polls, nor do we like to endure so-called News Analysts shouting each other down---each trying to sound more apocalyptic than the last. First, there is the statistical Margin of Error which seems to be ignored (plus or minus three percentage points), and then there is the manner in which this poll is given. We have all encountered questions so slanted that it's impossible to answer them with a simple "yes" or "no", which means we're supposedly "undecided" on that particular issue. Not by a long shot! Polls are manipulated for the desired effect, remember.
We who think for ourselves avoid contaminating our minds with such garbage. As it's said in the theater---"an empty drum makes the biggest noise". Television and talk radio is nothing but noise, period. Let the stupid ones, who prefer to be sheep, watch television. And if we want to win, then let's get going.
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