Sunday, May 26, 2013

Some Things Never Change...

Well, I'm back. Frankly, except for the date you'd never really know it! Dubya's gone but Congress is still playing the same silly games. My hair is going greyer somewhat, I'm still trying to shed pounds (I'm not going to say how many), and this photo probably doesn't look that much like me anymore---although I'm still recognizable ( I hope!).
We still seem to be heading toward Fascism (either party, take your pick), still seem to be on the brink of a world-wide financial crash, and still waiting for World War III (or is it here already? Who knows?). I'm SO reminded of  A Tale Of Two Cities.  Remember the opening lines?  "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." I don't know about YOU, but I'm beginning to think this fence we're all sitting on is getting mighty uncomfortable! Is it or isn't it coming? And WHEN, for cryinoutloud?
Be back soon---don't hold your breath.

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