Have you caught your breath yet? No? Okay, just a bit more time to compose yourself, gentle reader...................
There! Well, you're still giggling, but not enough to go cross-eyed, thankfully.
Yes, it seems that extensive "research" by a bunch of prestigious patriots---both foreign and domestic---who are so prestigious that they can't be named, naturally, have unmasked the most shocking secret of modern times. Oh, and did I mention that the "S" in Truman's name actually stands for---gasp!---SOLOMON? Horrors! Only a Jew would have the audacity to flaunt a name like that, right? (Wrong, actually, but I don't want to spoil the suspense)
Now we know why he dropped two, count 'em, two atomic bombs on poor widdle Japan. Just like a Jew to bomb gentiles who aren't white, the villain! Never mind Japan started the whole thing by the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, no, Jew President Solomon would have dropped them anyway---because everybody knows Jews love to fiendishly torture helpless gentiles. Yeah, and Pope Benedict is a Jew, too;)
Why, don't you know that---(nearly faints)---the whole world is controlled by a secret cabal of Zionists, who always get their own kind in positions of power? Always! Doesn't matter if the name is Roosevelt, Kennedy, or Mugabe; it's always a Jew at the top, these patriots have "proven" time and time again. How can they tell, you ask? (breathlessly) Well, Truman's middle name was "Solomon", and the "velt" in Roosevelt is a Yiddish word for "world", and of course you must realize that Kennedy comes from the Hebrew word "ken", meaning "yes". So how does Dubya come in? Why, God spoke out of a bush, didn't he? Insidiously clever, hiding their identity in such surnames, these Zionist/Jewish Mafia bloodsuckers. Oh, and did I also mention that their bond to one another is racial in nature? You've surely heard the expression "Jewish Radar". Well, just think of it like you would a bat. They have "radar", too, yes indeedy.
So where is all this going, you ask? Who the hell knows! Besides, isn't it more fun to believe in a real, live "boogy-man"? There, now all your questions about 9/11 and the rest of history have been answered. Haven't they?
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