I don't know if you've noticed or not, but the Internet is filling up with the most vicious anti-Semitism. On YouTube is a video about the Rothschild's that could (and probably did) come straight out of a 1935 copy of Der Sturmer, or any of the other Nazi newspapers. Worse, the comments below it are positively murderous; as of an hour ago, every commenter expressed the wish that Jews should be driven out or killed. I can only hope some sane
individual has chastised them, but I fear they won't listen.
No, the commenters were not Muslims. They were your common, garden-variety sort of Christians---the kind who could be anyone's next door neighbor How can we be sure they're not our neighbors? We can't, and that's what's so scary, especially as YouTube is completely benign and a popular website. I feel as if I've somehow landed back in the 1930s, when anti-Semitism was widespread here in the USA and no one bothered to hide it.
In the borough of Queens, NY, there was a German restaurant famous (or infamous) for their clientele's open avowals of Nazism. As far as I know it's still there; Niederstines, I think it was called (I'm sure my German spelling is atrocious. Sorry), where the avowals of Nazism are no longer open but still evident in the smirks given to Jews who enter it. I hope it's management has changed, even that the place is torn down! Well, maybe not torn down---it is an "historical" site, albeit not the kind to be proud of.
Be that as it may, these 9/11 conspiracy freaks have gone completely insane; they'll believe the Protocols Of Zion, anything but us, sadly. How (supposedly) educated Americans can believe such theories (not 9/11 itself but that Jews were/are behind it---not to mention all the other catastrophes in modern history) chills my blood. Go to some of these conspiracy sites and see for yourself. Are we seeing the beginnings of another Holocaust? I hope not, but what I've read and seen here on the Internet looks pretty serious. "Another Hitler should arise and kill those blood-suckers!", screams these idiots. The screams are getting louder, folks. Remember, Americans include every nationality that had supported the killing of Jews back then. Never underestimate the insidious power of lies; the more unbelievable lies are, the more people defend them. I just might get myself a passport, should this situation worsen.
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