No, it's not a typo. The conspiracy nuts have now outed closet-Jew and former president of the USA "Give Em Hell" Harry. I will now pause to give you time enough to laugh yourself silly over that..............................................
Have you caught your breath yet? No? Okay, just a bit more time to compose yourself, gentle reader...................
There! Well, you're still giggling, but not enough to go cross-eyed, thankfully.
Yes, it seems that extensive "research" by a bunch of prestigious patriots---both foreign and domestic---who are so prestigious that they can't be named, naturally, have unmasked the most shocking secret of modern times. Oh, and did I mention that the "S" in Truman's name actually stands for---gasp!---SOLOMON? Horrors! Only a Jew would have the audacity to flaunt a name like that, right? (Wrong, actually, but I don't want to spoil the suspense)
Now we know why he dropped two, count 'em, two atomic bombs on poor widdle Japan. Just like a Jew to bomb gentiles who aren't white, the villain! Never mind Japan started the whole thing by the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, no, Jew President Solomon would have dropped them anyway---because everybody knows Jews love to fiendishly torture helpless gentiles. Yeah, and Pope Benedict is a Jew, too;)
Why, don't you know that---(nearly faints)---the whole world is controlled by a secret cabal of Zionists, who always get their own kind in positions of power? Always! Doesn't matter if the name is Roosevelt, Kennedy, or Mugabe; it's always a Jew at the top, these patriots have "proven" time and time again. How can they tell, you ask? (breathlessly) Well, Truman's middle name was "Solomon", and the "velt" in Roosevelt is a Yiddish word for "world", and of course you must realize that Kennedy comes from the Hebrew word "ken", meaning "yes". So how does Dubya come in? Why, God spoke out of a bush, didn't he? Insidiously clever, hiding their identity in such surnames, these Zionist/Jewish Mafia bloodsuckers. Oh, and did I also mention that their bond to one another is racial in nature? You've surely heard the expression "Jewish Radar". Well, just think of it like you would a bat. They have "radar", too, yes indeedy.
So where is all this going, you ask? Who the hell knows! Besides, isn't it more fun to believe in a real, live "boogy-man"? There, now all your questions about 9/11 and the rest of history have been answered. Haven't they?
I wasn't supposed to be had. My mother's gynecologist told her to have a hysterectomy some 3 years before I was born, but she didn't. We were Catholic, but I didn't fit in. Felt drawn to Judaism and converted, but I STILL don't fit in. Well, that's tough. I'm staying.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
They Never Believe Us
I don't know if you've noticed or not, but the Internet is filling up with the most vicious anti-Semitism. On YouTube is a video about the Rothschild's that could (and probably did) come straight out of a 1935 copy of Der Sturmer, or any of the other Nazi newspapers. Worse, the comments below it are positively murderous; as of an hour ago, every commenter expressed the wish that Jews should be driven out or killed. I can only hope some sane
individual has chastised them, but I fear they won't listen.
No, the commenters were not Muslims. They were your common, garden-variety sort of Christians---the kind who could be anyone's next door neighbor How can we be sure they're not our neighbors? We can't, and that's what's so scary, especially as YouTube is completely benign and a popular website. I feel as if I've somehow landed back in the 1930s, when anti-Semitism was widespread here in the USA and no one bothered to hide it.
In the borough of Queens, NY, there was a German restaurant famous (or infamous) for their clientele's open avowals of Nazism. As far as I know it's still there; Niederstines, I think it was called (I'm sure my German spelling is atrocious. Sorry), where the avowals of Nazism are no longer open but still evident in the smirks given to Jews who enter it. I hope it's management has changed, even that the place is torn down! Well, maybe not torn down---it is an "historical" site, albeit not the kind to be proud of.
Be that as it may, these 9/11 conspiracy freaks have gone completely insane; they'll believe the Protocols Of Zion, anything but us, sadly. How (supposedly) educated Americans can believe such theories (not 9/11 itself but that Jews were/are behind it---not to mention all the other catastrophes in modern history) chills my blood. Go to some of these conspiracy sites and see for yourself. Are we seeing the beginnings of another Holocaust? I hope not, but what I've read and seen here on the Internet looks pretty serious. "Another Hitler should arise and kill those blood-suckers!", screams these idiots. The screams are getting louder, folks. Remember, Americans include every nationality that had supported the killing of Jews back then. Never underestimate the insidious power of lies; the more unbelievable lies are, the more people defend them. I just might get myself a passport, should this situation worsen.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Chabad Lubavitch To Persecute Christians? Gimme A Break!
Yes, now some idiots are claiming that the Lubavitchers control Congress and most of the world. I agree that some of the stuff written by Lubavitch is rather weird, but it's mainly from the nuts who believe Schneerson will arise from the dead to be the Messiah, yada yada yada.
Thanks to Bill O'Reilly and his ilk, this "war on Christmas" nonsense has somehow mutated into something akin to a religious "invasion of the body-snatchers", with Lubavitch playing the role the alien invaders from space.
Why do normally intelligent people believe this? Unfortunately, most of the problem is a book titled THE TANYA, authored by a previous rebbe, which has some very unkind descriptions of gentiles in it. Worse, this book has become a classic of Crazy Orthodoxy so it's revered almost as if it were halacha---which it's not. Briefly, the book states that the souls of gentiles are about the same as the souls of lower life forms, and only Jews have human souls, plus other rubbish I don't have time to mention. This warped theology is not what is written in the Torah and Talmud. It could never have been, because if only Jews have "human" souls, and we all know that animals can't convert, then how does this rebbe explain conversion of gentiles? The rabbinic dictum from at least the 1st century, AD (I know, it should be CE, standing for The Common Era rather than the Christian designation, but this is also a post for gentiles, who might be confused by BCE and CE), has been that when Moses and the Israelites stood before Mt. Sinai to receive the Torah, the souls of all those who were not there (meaning converts as well as future Jews) would be part of the covenant between God and the Jews---period! This is halacha, or Jewish Law, and has never been revoked, ever.
The rebbe's fulmination about gentiles comes from centuries of Christian persecution, but even the greatest rabbi in the world wouldn't be able to change halacha. Halacha is Torah---which was given to Moses by God on Sinai---and cannot be struck down. Rabbinical rulings are of lesser importance and can be abrogated. Torah laws can be re-interpreted when needed, but not even Moses could change the Torah.
Now comes the kicker: Adam and Eve were never Jews, and their descendants comprise all the nations to this day, even Jews. Until they stood before Sinai, not even the Israelites were Jews. Abraham wasn't one either, despite his circumcision. Therefore, how did their souls become suddenly human, when they'd been plain old gentiles before? And that's the flaw in the rebbe's book, because humans are humans, no matter what.
So just ignore The Tanya; Crazy Orthodoxy is absolutely wrong but won't admit it. The rest of Judaism upholds the ruling that humans have human souls. More on this topic later.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The Same Old S**t, Redux
It's so ridiculous that I shouldn't be bothered with it, but I have to admit I'm disturbed when people find it's only "common sense" that ____ (insert minority) is/was/has a(n)_____ (insert character flaw or crime) and we (insert name of patriotic, religious) people should be wary of the (insert danger) that awaits us if we ____ (insert smile, talk, laugh, have sex with, breath the same air as, etc.) these _____ (insert ethnic/racial/religious slur describing said group) any longer.
Do you see how stupid this formula is? Yet, without fail we continue to go along with it. Who the "offending group(s) of the moment" may be doesn't matter; we have found a scapegoat to blame for whatever it is that we can't or won't change. It's easy, it's quick, and it's safe---plus the fact that we've gotten it off our chests. Or have we? There's always a new "problem" that we need somebody to blame for, of course.
Why? And why always some "mysterious" other? Well, obviously, if we blamed ourselves or people "like" us, then the stupidity of the whole Blame Game would look idiotic to us (and what's the fun in that?)
It's the same with this "war on terror", whatever country thumbs its nose at us, and this election. If it's not "International Jewry" scheming to control the world, then it's Russia, or Outer Slabobia, or Republicans or Democrats---and so on ad nauseum. Any enemy will do, it seems. Just make one up. Who cares? The "good" people have to be united against something, right? Fine, we're "united", so now what?
And this is where the whole game gets ugly, sometimes lethal, and difficult-to-impossible to reverse. Look at the headlines. How is it that a tiny country no bigger than New Jersey (if it's as big) controls so much? Answer: it doesn't. It's that simple. None of these "monsters in our heads" (as Lippmann famously put it) are actually real. Enemies? Yes, we have enemies, but it seems that we constantly need more. At this rate, we'll have alienated the whole world---if we haven't done so already. People, use your brains and think, for once.
Do you see how stupid this formula is? Yet, without fail we continue to go along with it. Who the "offending group(s) of the moment" may be doesn't matter; we have found a scapegoat to blame for whatever it is that we can't or won't change. It's easy, it's quick, and it's safe---plus the fact that we've gotten it off our chests. Or have we? There's always a new "problem" that we need somebody to blame for, of course.
Why? And why always some "mysterious" other? Well, obviously, if we blamed ourselves or people "like" us, then the stupidity of the whole Blame Game would look idiotic to us (and what's the fun in that?)
It's the same with this "war on terror", whatever country thumbs its nose at us, and this election. If it's not "International Jewry" scheming to control the world, then it's Russia, or Outer Slabobia, or Republicans or Democrats---and so on ad nauseum. Any enemy will do, it seems. Just make one up. Who cares? The "good" people have to be united against something, right? Fine, we're "united", so now what?
And this is where the whole game gets ugly, sometimes lethal, and difficult-to-impossible to reverse. Look at the headlines. How is it that a tiny country no bigger than New Jersey (if it's as big) controls so much? Answer: it doesn't. It's that simple. None of these "monsters in our heads" (as Lippmann famously put it) are actually real. Enemies? Yes, we have enemies, but it seems that we constantly need more. At this rate, we'll have alienated the whole world---if we haven't done so already. People, use your brains and think, for once.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Makow--Either Self-Loathing Jew, Jew For Yushke, Or Fraud
I wrote a post about this man---Henry Makow---and said I didn't think he really was a Jew despite his claim to being one. Maybe he's only a descendant of one---like Caspar Weinberger. At any rate, I simply cannot allow this bullshit to go unchallenged any longer.
His latest blog (the url is html) is nothing less than a vicious attack on ALL Jews (remember he said it was only the Zionists, not the rest of Jewry who were guilty?) As I feared, his "nice guy" demeanor has been shed to reveal his true agenda, which is to "defend" Christianity. Oh yes, he's sooo sorry to have to say this (sound familiar?), but Judaism is "flawed" and the Pharisees "hijacked" the religion that Moses founded. He's shocked, shocked, that these evil rabbis lied to us, that the Sadducees were the real bearers of Mosaic Law but they were shut up when the Pharisees took over.
So how does he know this is so? Why, Christ himself accuses the Pharisees of this. Oh, and by the way, Christ is the real descendant of Moses. Yeah, right---and I'm the pope, too. But that's not the worst of it. He also claims that Jews should see Mel Gibson's diatribe-cum-movie about the crucifixion of You-Know-Who, and they should realize that Judaism is false because of it. You remember Mel Gibson---the actor who was pulled over by the cops for DUI when he began shouting Jewish slurs, then "apologized" but insisted his father (who'd taught him those things) would never lie to him. Well,duh.... No anti-Semite ever thinks he lies. Hitler believed every word of Mein Kampf, but that didn't make it any more true.
I have to feel sorry for Mel, though; who wants to admit a beloved parent has lied to one? Makow, however, is something else, and we've seen too much of these "sorrowful" types lately. As I said last time, it's always a fellow Jew who makes the best anti-Semite. That is---if Makow is, or ever was, what he claims. At any rate, he has the right to claim he's a Jew. I don't believe he is, but who knows? We've all seen the kind of lies the apostates spout to disparage Judaism after converting to Christianity. Makow, sadly enough, probably believes what he says. I almost feel sorry for him as well. Almost. Unfortunately, people like Makow are a dime a dozen, and mostly gibbering idiots. He is not; he writes well, very well, and sounds like an English professor (which he says he was), but it's the hate in his soaring rhetoric and perfect grammar that is to be feared. Whether he is a Jew or not doesn't matter---except that gentiles are easily gulled by his kind. From my own experience I know that people who claim to be Jews are always believed by gentiles. Every time. That is the danger here, because his hateful words will be believed all the more so, even by gentiles who ordinarily like Jews. I've seen it happen---in my own family and our neighborhood. I see it happen today as well. Please go to his website and see for yourself how he makes the most outrageous lies sound absolutely true.
Mel Gibson's movie made the public think, all right. In fact, the public nearly vomited in the theaters from all the blood and gore. I laugh at Mel Gibson,but Makow is as funny as Hitler, and possibly more dangerous.
His latest blog (the url is html) is nothing less than a vicious attack on ALL Jews (remember he said it was only the Zionists, not the rest of Jewry who were guilty?) As I feared, his "nice guy" demeanor has been shed to reveal his true agenda, which is to "defend" Christianity. Oh yes, he's sooo sorry to have to say this (sound familiar?), but Judaism is "flawed" and the Pharisees "hijacked" the religion that Moses founded. He's shocked, shocked, that these evil rabbis lied to us, that the Sadducees were the real bearers of Mosaic Law but they were shut up when the Pharisees took over.
So how does he know this is so? Why, Christ himself accuses the Pharisees of this. Oh, and by the way, Christ is the real descendant of Moses. Yeah, right---and I'm the pope, too. But that's not the worst of it. He also claims that Jews should see Mel Gibson's diatribe-cum-movie about the crucifixion of You-Know-Who, and they should realize that Judaism is false because of it. You remember Mel Gibson---the actor who was pulled over by the cops for DUI when he began shouting Jewish slurs, then "apologized" but insisted his father (who'd taught him those things) would never lie to him. Well,duh.... No anti-Semite ever thinks he lies. Hitler believed every word of Mein Kampf, but that didn't make it any more true.
I have to feel sorry for Mel, though; who wants to admit a beloved parent has lied to one? Makow, however, is something else, and we've seen too much of these "sorrowful" types lately. As I said last time, it's always a fellow Jew who makes the best anti-Semite. That is---if Makow is, or ever was, what he claims. At any rate, he has the right to claim he's a Jew. I don't believe he is, but who knows? We've all seen the kind of lies the apostates spout to disparage Judaism after converting to Christianity. Makow, sadly enough, probably believes what he says. I almost feel sorry for him as well. Almost. Unfortunately, people like Makow are a dime a dozen, and mostly gibbering idiots. He is not; he writes well, very well, and sounds like an English professor (which he says he was), but it's the hate in his soaring rhetoric and perfect grammar that is to be feared. Whether he is a Jew or not doesn't matter---except that gentiles are easily gulled by his kind. From my own experience I know that people who claim to be Jews are always believed by gentiles. Every time. That is the danger here, because his hateful words will be believed all the more so, even by gentiles who ordinarily like Jews. I've seen it happen---in my own family and our neighborhood. I see it happen today as well. Please go to his website and see for yourself how he makes the most outrageous lies sound absolutely true.
Mel Gibson's movie made the public think, all right. In fact, the public nearly vomited in the theaters from all the blood and gore. I laugh at Mel Gibson,but Makow is as funny as Hitler, and possibly more dangerous.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Should Jews Learn The Christian Bible?
Absolutely! How else are we to successfully defend ourselves against Jews For (Yushke)? These missionaries are smart. They know our religion better than we do, and so are able to distort Torah and Talmud passages to say what they want without us being aware of it.
If you've come across the conspiracy sites, you'll see how anti-Semites use the most outrageous and vile lies to link Zionism to THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Many of these conspiracy nuts are good people who, not being missionaries, are unable to distinguish true from false. Sadly, we're just as bad.
We're lucky, though. There's a website called outreachjudaism. org which is dedicated to combating these assaults. Rabbi Tovia Singer knows his bible---and theirs as well. He is a wonderful speaker whose lectures are fun to listen to, and many of them are free to download! I've downloaded all of them and I find myself fascinated by his wealth of knowledge and his wit. Even Christians come to his lectures, and sometimes become "Noachides"----not converting to Judaism because we don't seek converts, but following the Torah's instructions as applied to gentiles. The righteous gentile who has entered the "gate" and is assured a portion in Olam HaBa. There are only seven laws,(I think) that are required for a Noachide; believing in God, renouncing idolatry, setting up courts for justice, etc. However, one need not even "enter the gate", so to speak, because "The righteous of all the nations have a share in the World To Come".
I'm not qualified to poskin, of course; so I'll not say more about this for fear I'll accidentally get it wrong and cause confusion among you. Nevertheless, this rabbi knows it all! Protestant ministers/Catholic priests/ you name it have been unable to refute him, but he never insults anyone and frequently teaches them a thing or two about their religion as well. As a former Catholic who went to parochial school and was drilled in Catechism every day, I can attest to his knowledge of the Christian bible and theology. While I'm hardly an expert on the bible and Christianity, I've read the Confraternity and King James versions of the bible very extensively before I decided on Judaism. Also, I had the good fortune to have gotten an English translation of the famous Kairite treatise "Faith Strengthened", in which Isaac of Troki refuted every Christian proof text so brilliantly that, to this day, his arguments still stand unrefuted by Christian scholars. I lost it in moving, however, and I miss it.
Rabbi Singer, thank God, more than makes up for that unfortunate loss. Please go to and see for yourself. I wish I knew how to make an url "clickable", but I don't and I'm sorry. Just type in the url as given, though, and you'll get there. You won't be disappointed, I promise you. ( I suppose I should add bli neder to that) Oh well, just go.
If you've come across the conspiracy sites, you'll see how anti-Semites use the most outrageous and vile lies to link Zionism to THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Many of these conspiracy nuts are good people who, not being missionaries, are unable to distinguish true from false. Sadly, we're just as bad.
We're lucky, though. There's a website called outreachjudaism. org which is dedicated to combating these assaults. Rabbi Tovia Singer knows his bible---and theirs as well. He is a wonderful speaker whose lectures are fun to listen to, and many of them are free to download! I've downloaded all of them and I find myself fascinated by his wealth of knowledge and his wit. Even Christians come to his lectures, and sometimes become "Noachides"----not converting to Judaism because we don't seek converts, but following the Torah's instructions as applied to gentiles. The righteous gentile who has entered the "gate" and is assured a portion in Olam HaBa. There are only seven laws,(I think) that are required for a Noachide; believing in God, renouncing idolatry, setting up courts for justice, etc. However, one need not even "enter the gate", so to speak, because "The righteous of all the nations have a share in the World To Come".
I'm not qualified to poskin, of course; so I'll not say more about this for fear I'll accidentally get it wrong and cause confusion among you. Nevertheless, this rabbi knows it all! Protestant ministers/Catholic priests/ you name it have been unable to refute him, but he never insults anyone and frequently teaches them a thing or two about their religion as well. As a former Catholic who went to parochial school and was drilled in Catechism every day, I can attest to his knowledge of the Christian bible and theology. While I'm hardly an expert on the bible and Christianity, I've read the Confraternity and King James versions of the bible very extensively before I decided on Judaism. Also, I had the good fortune to have gotten an English translation of the famous Kairite treatise "Faith Strengthened", in which Isaac of Troki refuted every Christian proof text so brilliantly that, to this day, his arguments still stand unrefuted by Christian scholars. I lost it in moving, however, and I miss it.
Rabbi Singer, thank God, more than makes up for that unfortunate loss. Please go to and see for yourself. I wish I knew how to make an url "clickable", but I don't and I'm sorry. Just type in the url as given, though, and you'll get there. You won't be disappointed, I promise you. ( I suppose I should add bli neder to that) Oh well, just go.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Will Israel Really Attack Iran?
Frankly, I hope not. But they're threatening to, and I honestly can't say what they should/shouldn't do because I don't know what the situation is over there. This is one of those times when living here in America can be tricky.
The Israeli Defense Forces probably would do a helluva better job than us if they decided to go ahead, but where does that leave me? As a Jew, people will naturally assume I'm loyal to Israel, and that's the tricky part. No matter what we do/don't do we're in the middle. Go to shul and your neighborhood Jewish Defense League wannabe will butt into any conversation to proclaim our "duty" to support Israel---no questions asked. Your gentile neighbors will also proclaim their "loyalty" to America and no matter what you say they'll still think you secretly favor Israel. It's almost a lose-lose situation here. I'd much rather we'd only have to face zombies; they can be (according to Shawn Of The Dead) muzzled and kept productive, at least.
The Israeli Defense Forces probably would do a helluva better job than us if they decided to go ahead, but where does that leave me? As a Jew, people will naturally assume I'm loyal to Israel, and that's the tricky part. No matter what we do/don't do we're in the middle. Go to shul and your neighborhood Jewish Defense League wannabe will butt into any conversation to proclaim our "duty" to support Israel---no questions asked. Your gentile neighbors will also proclaim their "loyalty" to America and no matter what you say they'll still think you secretly favor Israel. It's almost a lose-lose situation here. I'd much rather we'd only have to face zombies; they can be (according to Shawn Of The Dead) muzzled and kept productive, at least.
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Return Of Crazy Orthodoxy
So now it appears that some Ultra-orthodox women in the glorious uber-ghettos of Jerusalem have taken to wearing the burkah, but they call it a "frumka". Here we go again.Will the lust for piety never end? How about being pious on the inside, ladies? Oh but no one will see how pious you are that way. So, in order to show it you'll dress up in sheets from head to toe, huh. Except that no one will know it's you under all that...unless you have your name embroidered on the front.
Honestly, do we need to slavishly imitate every "piety" we see? I hate to tell you this, but what you're doing is hukas ha goyim according to halacha. For you gentile readers, that means "imitating the (idolatrous) customs of other cultures, etc, according to Jewish Law". It doesn't matter how "pious" the custom is, either. Remember, Rabbi Pappas (I think) was severely criticized for following the gentile custom of locking his wife and daughters in the house when he went out; this comes from the days of the Mishna, mind you---nearly two thousand years ago. Do we need another "Chumrah of the Month"? What do you accomplish with all this "piety"? I would think that Crazy Orthodoxy would have more than enough restrictions to satisfy your need for martyrdom.
If you persist, and the rabbis finally approve of it, you will have imprisoned all Orthodox women and girls on a mere whim. Don't for one minute think that there aren't rabbis who would love to impose more restrictions on you. After all, according to the Kitzer Shulcan Aruch it's perfectly legitimate for women to hold their own minyons---until a bunch of oh so "machmir" rabbis forbade it. Aside from Isserles's silly prohibition for women to be given aliyot, the original even states that handling a Sefer Torah is fine for women as well. Do we really want to look like the above photo? Think! Besides, Muslim women will be offended---and for good reason. Let's not start something we might regret down the road. (Note: I apologize for altering the photo and hope its creator will understand)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Supposedly Jews But Probably Aren't
You've likely had a non-Jewish friend who's sent you a website of a hitherto unknown "Jewish" (the person at least claims he/she is) "expert" who breathlessly confesses that yes, the Zionist/Masonic/Illuminati and others are indeed controlling the world through bankers, etc. Maybe these mavins are what they claim to be, but hell, anybody can say they're Jewish. Freedom Of Speech and all that. How do we tell, though?
Fact is, we really can't. There's this website owned by one Henry Maslow, who insists he's a---get this---racial Jew who must "expose" the secret Zionist agenda of the "Jewish" world-bankers. For all I know he may be a self-loathing Jew or a liar, but this kind of nonsense is precisely what we don't need. Non-Jews are quick to believe anything if it's claimed to be from a Jew, of course. I know this from my own experience. My parents would read some smutty novel about "Jewish" life and, if the author had a "Jewish" name, believe every word of it. We all know that far too many Jewish novelists pander to their gentile reader's prejudices as it is. Anyone who's ever read Kemelman's the "(insert day of week)The Rabbi..." series of mystery novels can attest to that fact, although these novels aren't nearly as bad as some of Phillip Roth's. Remember the movie "Goodbye Columbus"?
Unfortunately, to really be sure of someone's "Jewishness" would require the nightmare described by the blog "ON THE FRINGE" (which is an excellent blog here on all-things Jewish whose author and commentators are quite well-informed, and I recommend it ) that, boiled down to its essence is simply Israel's Chief Rabbis deciding who is, or is not, Jewish based on Ultra-Orthodox prejudices and extremism. It's like the South's "One drop" rule; one drop of "negro" blood invalidates your "whiteness". Of course you can see where that would have led, and the South had the good sense not to insist on it, too. This Who Is A Jew? debate has been going on for at least thirty years,but the Ultras now pose a significant threat. Because Israel has a multi-party system in which it's virtually impossible for one party to get enough votes to run a government itself, the majority party must negotiate with smaller parties to form a coalition government; this means the smaller parties can extort huge concessions in exchange for their support, and the religious parties like Shas and Agudath Israel never hesitate to press for bigger concessions every time.
Actually, this Who is a Jew? debate is "who is a rabbi?". Even if your rabbi is Orthodox he won't necessarily "qualify" according to The Gedolai Torah in Israel. Getting back to self-proclaimed "Jews" who push the most ridiculous conspiracy theories, we had better be skeptical. The old adage of the worst anti-Semite being a fellow Jew has been born out over and over again. We certainly don't want a cure that's worse than the disease!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Evil Israel
No, I'm not suggesting that Israel is evil, but there are nuts out there who just can't let go of those "dancing Israelis" when 9/11 happened. It saddens me because, otherwise, these are probably nice people. I chat with one of them, who sincerely insists only Zionists are evil, not the rest of us. Unfortunately, that's the way these things always start, and we have a pretty good idea where it's all going to end, God forbid. After all, there's good ol' Pat Buchanan proclaiming American Jews to be the "amen corner" for Israel, and I'm sure he's not the only one. It's always been my fear that someday the U.S. would attack Israel, and then what do we do? Most non-Jews seem to take it for granted that we are more loyal to Israel than America. Remember, I converted. My father used to rant about Jews loving Israel so much that they should all be deported. And Israel often expects the Diaspora to rubber-stamp everything they do, which doesn't help either. I guess we should have gotten used to this---after some forty centuries. I don't always support everything Israel does, and I'm sure a lot of my co-religionists feel the same, but we're stuck in the middle nevertheless. Let's hope I'm just being paranoid.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Hello Again-Been A Long Time
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